The Omen(uke)

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There once was a boy that flirted with death whenever he had the chance. He was missing the little voice that told him to stop and think, instead he went with his gut and ran even faster towards danger.


Basic Information


Name- James Shind

Nickname- 'The Omen'

Age- Looks 19 but is almost as old as death himself

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Pansexual

Species- An Imortale being

But soon Death caught up with him. He told the male that he felt cheated, and to pay for his teasing. The boy was told by Death that he had two options. The first, he could pay with his life for all the times that he cheated death. Or he could become the new symbol, the thing that sent chills up your spine when ever you heard its story.






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When he was still human he alwasy had a smile on is face and his vibrant green eyes brought life into anyone around him

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When he was still human he alwasy had a smile on is face and his vibrant green eyes brought life into anyone around him. He would keep his raven black hair short, only ever letting it grow out to the bottom of his ears before cutting it again. But after the inccident his vibrant eyes turned into a light yet stormy gray and lets his hair grow out.

Tails/Ears/Wings- None

Style of Clothing- He use to wear anything he could get his hands on. His style would range from pastel to goth. Formal to lounge wear. but now he tends to stick with the darker colors as they help him blend in better. He also is always found wearing his black trench coat.

Accessories- Only the skull of some beast that he wears to hide his face

Tattoos- None

Piercings- The ones in the last picture

Hair Color- Black

Eye Color- A stormy grey

And so, not wishing to give his life away, the boy chose the later option. Death only laughed and shook their head. "Stupid child." Was the last thing the boy heard before he passed out. And when he woke up, he found himself wishing for Death to come back.


In Depth


Personality- James use to be a rebel. A boy that flirted with death and took chances no one else would. he would race into a fight, takes bets with the odds against him, and do stupid tricks on those around him. Though he was sometimes alittle to much to handle, he was a good kid. He helped those around him and made sure to never take anything to far.

But after his encounter, he shut off. He doesn't talk to most, he rarely opens up, and he will most likely push anyone that tries to get close away. Now he is just a cold and sad boy. The only time he talks is when he is comforting someone that saw him.

Powers- He doesn't have any himself, besides immortality, but he can tell when someone is about to die. Well he can't but he will feel a pull to a person, indicating that their time is running out. The worst part of this is the fact that he has to go to the person. And he is mainly invisible except to the person that he is being drawn to.

Strengths- After years of perfecting, James knows how to comfort someone. He knows what to do and what to say to certain people and what not to.

Flaws- He never talks about himself, always bottling it up.

Habits- James can always be found walking in the woods when he's not with someone.

Likes- The woods, the creatures because they can see him and are not afraid, singing, when he's not being pulled, Living his own life, being invisible, books, music

Dislikes- When he feels a pull, when it's children that can see him, being called a monster, when he sees death, being immortal

The boy had woken up in a forest, not to far away from his village. And so, not noticing anything different with himself, he got up and began his walk back. But once he got to the village, it all changed. Everyone that he was once friends with either froze or screamed when they saw him. He heard the words "It's the Omen" or "Death is upon us" and even "Monster" at some point.





"I'm not a monster"

"I don't wanna talk about it"

"It's ok. They won't let it hurt."

"Shhh, it's ok child. I'm just gonna help you go on an adventure ok?"

Weapons- None has he does not like conflict

Drinks- Reguraly

Smokes- Reguraly

Pets- None unless the forest critters count

Occupation- Well about that...

Family- None, they are all dead

Friends- None

Backstory- Ptsss, it's the story in italics

Other- None


Frightened the boy stumbled backwards. Backwards into the waiting arms of Death. "I told you boy. You stupid boy" They said before pointing to the forest with their sycth. "Run. And only go where you feel you must." And so the boy did. He ran as fast as he could away from the only life he ever knew.

That is the story of the Omen

Scenario- So cause I'm lazy and ready to get this boy up, basically the scenario is that your character is doing normal like things and then suddenly sees a boy with a skull on his head. You ask him a question which causes him to shake his head sadly. Then that's when your character remember the story of the Omen that their grandparents told them (The italics)

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