Deerataur (uke)

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Basic Information


Name- Cimios (He does not have a last name)

Nickname- Cim or Moss

Age- 19

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Pansexual

Species- Deeratuar






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Tails/Ears/Wings- His ears, antlers and tail

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Tails/Ears/Wings- His ears, antlers and tail

Style of Clothing- He doesnt really wear anything besides flowercrowns

Accessories- Flower crowns

Tattoos- None

Piercings- None

Hair Color- Cloudly white

Eye Color- Baby blue


In Depth


Personality- Comis has the personality of a deer. I mean who saw that coming. He is gets scared quite easily and will usually freeze up when this happens. Though if he gets over his fear of the thing or person, he becomes quite friendly though he is a little shy. All he wants is to be friends with everyone.

Powers- None

Strengths- He gives people second chances, he has patience

Flaws- He tends to trust people to easily when he gets over being scared of them.

Habits- He will fiddle with strands of his hair or rub his antlers with his hands.

Likes- Making crowns, swimming, being able to explore, making friends, the nightime sky

Dislikes- gettign into fights, getting scared, not being able to find flowers, not having friends





"Do you want a crown aswell?"


"Wanna be my friend?"

"Look! My antlers are growning in again!"

Weapons- He prefers not to fight but if he has to hell use his hooves or antlers

Drinks- No

Smokes- No

Pets- None

Occupation- He doesnt have a job in the herd yet

Family- His mother and father

Friends- Almost everyone in the herd

Backstory- He had a normal childhood growing up. Nothing worth mentioning in here.


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