22: Only Human

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Lance glared at Lotor as he passed. The Galran prince threw a plate of food into each cell. It didn't look much like food though; more like someone had given seaweed and clams to a Baku and it spit them up. As Lotor continued putting plates of food into each cell, Lance watched him. Something was on his mind. He wanted to talk to Lotor, but what he was thinking likely wouldn't come out so well. The mer sighed dramatically as Lotor passed him.

"You can't really be this bad, right?" Lance mumbled. The mer prince turned rapidly.

"What did you say?" He asked with a scowl on his once-beautiful face. Now, not so much. Now that Lance learned what a monster he really was.

"Honestly, I'm surprised that you're really like this. After that day I crashed into you, I thought that you might be a nice guy. But I couldn't have been more wrong." Lotor appeared angrily surprised and opened his mouth to speak.

"I mean, I can't believe I actually thought that!" Lance interrupted, "Now I'm in prison and it's all because of the guy who I thought was nice." Fabian was heard gasping in the background, followed by a bang as Krolia scolded him. Lance looked over and saw Ignatius smiling proudly.

"I only—" Lotor began, but Lance cut him off again.

"No, don't even try to reason with me. It won't work," Lance stated, "A friend once told me something, and I'm beginning to think he was right. You are just another link in the world's worst chain."

Lotor swam back a little bit. He hadn't realized Lance was this angry. Even Lance himself hadn't thought he was this angry. It was energizing, making the mer feel like he could break the bars and be rid of Lotor right then and there. The mer prince seemed to break a little at his last comment. Something in his eyes changed. His dead soul now showed an emotion Lance could never have expected.


"I told you, I don't want to hear your excuses!" Lance shouted. The change in Lotor wasn't going to stop the mer from being angry at him. "If you're going to say anything it might as well be true. So re-think for a second before you do something to make me hate you more."

"Lance." His voice sounded serious and agitated, but somber at the same time. "I only went after you because I knew what my father would do if he found out and I didn't. It would have been much worse for you."

Lance paused for a moment before snapping, "Explain."

"If my father found out that a mer went to the land and I knew about it, he'd have me killed. And he'd do much worse to you." Lance chuckled in disbelief.

"Are you seriously telling me that you're scared of your dad?"

Lotor lowered his gaze, a strand of white hair falling over his face. It seemed as though he lowered all of his defenses, all the walls he used to sheild his true emotions from the world. A single word echoed through the room.


Lance fell silent. As much as the prince tried to hide it, his eyes showed fear. True fear. It was the same fear he'd seen in Keith during a panic attack. Lotor jerked up, his hands shaking.

"You should be too," was all he said before he looked around the room at all the other mers and swam out, slamming the stone door behind him.

It was strange, feeling sorry for someone you hated. At least, Lance thought he hated him. Being afraid was still no excuse for what he did, and what he threatened to do. But... a part of Lance also felt the need to help him.

"Wow, Lance, that was amazing! He was practically shaking!" Ignatius' voice erupted through the silence.

"That's not cool, Ig," Fabian said, hands fidgeting with the golden ring on his left hand. "It wasn't amazing, He was shaking. He was scared. It's true he's done terrible things, but even Lotor doesn't deserve that." Lance nodded.

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