Chapter Twenty-three. One on One.

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Chapter Twenty-three

One on One 

Erika remained seated at the small round table situated in the centre of the wood-panelled lounge while Leitus went to retrieve the journal, and Janik retired to his cabin. So far, the trip had been without untoward incidents except for occasional snippets of sexual teasing from passing crew members. This she had expected, as apart from Maria, the boatswain's wife, she was the only woman aboard. She had little contact with the crew, as she took her meals in the captain's dining room in the rather dull company of the captain, the chief engineer, and the first mate. Her surprisingly spacious cabin was located under the bridge, far from the crew's quarters. 

Perhaps she had been foolish to agree to this trip. Her father had warned her to watch out for sailors, and Leitus' womanizing past was common knowledge. So far, he had always acted towards her in a very professional manner, and actually shielded her from any possible harassment. Perhaps he was about to make his first move. 

What to do about Janik? He obviously was attracted to her. The feeling was mutual. He was no wimp. However, this wasn't the time and place. She had work to do. She shouldn't have clutched his arm.  

Leitus stepped back into the lounge, interrupting her thoughts on the possible repercussions of encouraging further advances from Janik.  

"Sorry to be so long. I couldn't find the darned book at first. I knew I had put it in a safe place, but could I remember where? No way! What do they say, the mind is the second thing to go? Come on sit down over here and I will show you what I would like you to do." 

Leitus took a seat on one of the two couches situated on either side of the entertainment centre on the starboard side of the lounge, the Hertz document open on his lap. 

"Sir, I think it would be better to work here at the table. The lighting is so much better." 

"Maybe you're right. By the way isn't it about time we did away with this 'sir' nonsense. Call me Leitus." 

"But, sir, it's normal to address a professor as, sir." 

"Yes, in the college environment. There I would have to call you Ms. Petrosian, but this is not college, and I prefer to address my students by their first name. Is that okay, Erika?" 

"Actually sir, I prefer to be called Ka." 

"And when we are alone, I prefer Lee." 

"Oh, I never knew that." 

"Well now it's our little secret. Let me show you this book. Come a little closer, you cannot see from over there." 

Erika hesitantly moved her chair so that she could peer over his left shoulder. He was right- handed. 

"This is the work of a Gerald Hertz. He appears to have been a professor at Cabot around the time of Isolation. He spent the greater part of his time at the college developing a new method of instruction which he has explained in laborious detail in over three hundred pages."

Leitus quickly leafed through the book until he came to a page he had previously marked with a strip of yellow paper. 

"This is the part of the book I would like you to concentrate on. It contains results of experiments that Hertz carried out at the college. They don't make much sense to me, but I'm sure you'll find it helpful for your project. What did we decide on as a possible title for your thesis?" 

"Developments in Myrian Science after Isolation, sir." 

Leitus laughed. 

I mean Lee, sir." 

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