Chapter Nine, A Way Out

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Chapter Nine

A Way Out?

Shortly after George's futile escape attempt, engineers started building a saucer shaped disc on the roof of the gazebo that lay outside the perimeter fence. To Walt, it looked ominously similar to a thorbo, the latest vaunted weapon in the Myrian arsenal. It was much smaller than the one featured on the news.  

No such weapon was necessary. Security was no longer a problem. The open casket had seen to that. Maybe it was an enhanced solar collector.  

Walt, unable to curtail his curiosity, bravely decided to test his hypothesis. Late one evening, during one of the popular recreation sessions in the ornamental garden, he surreptitiously approached the perimeter. Ten yards from the fence, he heard a loud crack as a lower branch on a nearby pine crashed to the ground.  

It was no solar collector. 

Why the added security? 

Confused, Walt retreated from the fence and rejoined the revelling residents.

Back in his room, Walt inserted a solar disc into his HED, lay back in his comfy reclining chair to watch the last period of a salsco game. Hilda was unlikely to return before dawn. His enjoyment was short lived. 


A myrite transporter, en route from Rachon to Myranda, was ambushed earlier this morning. Elite imperial troops are hunting down the Darsian rebels responsible for the atrocity at this very moment. More news later.

So Darsians had survived the introduction of alphega and were in revolt, but where and why? 

Subsequent newscasts portrayed the ethnics as lazy, unappreciative good for nothings, allowed to keep their own towns, even run schools and hospitals in their own language, but what had they given in return? Nothing. They didn't participate in Myrian society, and they even refused the offer of alphega. Now they were attacking transports. They had gone too far. 

Five days after the initial announcement, the media frenzy reached a crescendo, when the authorities paraded four, dishevelled young men of Darsian origin before the cameras. They summarily accused them of treasonable acts, and as an example to fellow conspirators, publicly beheaded them in their hometown. The execution of the four young men, without proof of guilt, rekindled Walt's desire to aid the Alliance. 

Despite his revulsion, Walt had watched the entire horrific episode on HED. He recognised the execution site from his many summer visits. It was the market square in Engelsbay. The nearby Vagus River flowed into Lake Nipogong and Engelsbay lay at the head of the lake. It was within reach. If only he could somehow escape and avoid the double menace of dehydration and alphega withdrawal. 

"A Myrat for your thoughts, Walt," said Millie, sidling up beside him in the sensitizing pool. 

"They're worth much more than a Myrat, Millie." 

"Walt, what are you up to?" 

"What do you mean, Millie?" 

"You seem so preoccupied. You aren't planning anything stupid are you? Remember what happened to George." 

"Oh, I'll never forget that Millie. By the way how are things going? It must be hard coping on your own." 

"I'm rarely on my own," she replied without any trace of embarrassment. 

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