3 // Therapy

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The next solution I wasn't all in for.

My parents suggested I go to therapy and talk it out with Michael, but as much as I hated therapy I hated Michael More.

* Flashback *

Michael and I walk up to the theropist's large doors, and I ring the door bell.

He waits quietly behind me, he is usually quiet, but hasn't said a word to me since the failed 'exorcism'

This is stupid
His voice suddenly spoke making me jump.

"Yeah well It's not like we have any other places to go for this" I mutter.

You know we could just end it... Then we wouldn't have to live this fucked up life anymore
His suicidal thoughts echo in my mind, and they quickly escalate.

An overdose would be a nice way to go..
He kept going more and more worse and worse.

"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING PRICK! I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE UP, NOT NOW NOT EVER!" I turn around and shout in his face. I put him on hush mode, and his deep sea green eyes stared back at my light clear ones blankly. Then they shift to looking behind me, I quickly turn around to see our therapist watching me, she thought I was crazy.

"Mrs. Brooks?"


"Nice to meet you I'm Amy, your therapist for the next hour. Where is your friend Michael?"

"Uh, he's here. You just can't see him..." wow I really sound like i'm crazy.


The session didn't do shit, we just argued back and fourth like an old married couple. We argued about how it wasn't fair that we were like this, and how it wasn't fair that I got to be the one with a chance of a life when I didn't even want one half the time. Michael wanted a life so bad, but no one could see him except for me. This was all stuff that I knew already though.

"Okay, well I think our time is up!"

She slid some papers across her desk and turned them to face me, I read the first one which was an application to a mental hospital..

This wasn't the first time a therapist suggested me one, and frankly I am sick of it. I'm just like any normal person, except with double souls.

I get up and storm out throwing the papers behind me before I slam the door shut.

As I'm walking down the drive way muttering profanities to the judgmental bitch, I suddenly hear the sound of glass shattering, and I mean a lot of glass. When I turn around I see the mansion's windows all shattered, I didn't do it though. Yes i'm pissed and I would have probably done it if I had the power, but only Michael does, and no one tells him what to do. Michael keeps walking but stops when the separation starts to hurt.

Are you coming?
He asks with a smirk,

I scoff not being able to hold back a smile,

"Yeah, Lets go."

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