"Shane just back off" Rick kept pushing the walker towards the barn.

"Why do your people have guns?" Well Hershal, Shane is a dumbass. That's why.

"Are you kidding me?! You see what he's holding onto?" Shane yelled.

"I see WHO I'm holding on to." Hershal retaliated.

"No man you don't see" Shane once again yelled.

Rick yelled at Shane again. "Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk."

"What you want to talk about Rick? These things ain't sick. They're not people. They're dead. Ain't gonna feel nothing for them cause all they do, they kill! These things right here. They're the things that killed Amy, They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all of us!" Shane ranted before being cut off by Rick, who was still walking to the barn with the walker. "SHANE SHUT UP!" He yelled.

Shane ignored Rick and turned his attention to Hershal. "Hey Hershal man, let me ask you something." He was then cit off by Hope.

"Shane stop! This isn't your call! There are other ways to do this, consider the group!!" Shane just glared at her before speaking up.

"This dosen't concern you Hope so I suggest you shut your trap" He then turned towards Hershal and continued talking before Hope reply. "Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?" He then shot the walker in the chest, ignoring Rick and Hopes pleas to stop he continued.

"That's three rounds to the chest. Could someone who's alive just take that?! Why Is he still coming?" He shot again. "That's it's heart, it's lungs. Why is it still coming?!"

"SHANE STOP!!" Hope yelled out, she was desperate.

"SHANE ENOUGH" Rick called out, He was also desperate. They needed this place. He also hated the look that was residing on Hopes face, she looked so upset and he hated it. But he didn't know why. He told himself he would think about it later.

Shane spoke up again. "Yeah, your right man. That is enough." He then walked up to the walker Hershal was holding and shit it in the head. Hershal dropped to his knees next to the walker, he looked torn and Hope felt for the old man.

Shane then continued. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Enough living next to a barn fill of things that are trying to kill us! ENOUGH. Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all wanna live, if you wanna survive , you gotta fight for it! I'm talking about fighting, right here, right now!" He then ran towards the barn and started to beat on the chains with a pick axe.


Hope noticed how distressed Hershal was so she ran up to Rick and took the pole from him. He gave her a nod of appreciation before running after Shane. But it was to late. The chains we all ready off.

As the walkers started to bust out of the barn the group lined up and started to shoot the walkers down before they got to close.

Shane turned around and shot the walker that Hope was holding onto in the head. He then tossed her a gun.

Hope hesitated, she looked at Rick before going to join the group in killing the walkers. It was to late, the damage was done and now she needed to protect her group.

It wasn't long before all of the walkers were on the ground dead, Hope took her place next to Rick, she could only Hope that Ryder and Skylin didn't see what had just went down.

Just when they thought It was over, more growls emerged from inside the barn.

A moment later, a girl no older than Carl stepped out of the barn. It didn't take Hope long to realize that this was Sophia, the missing girl, due to Carols reactions. She ran forward, only to be caught by Daryl, who let her son into his chest.

The group just stood there as the young girl made her way towards them. Some sobbing, others to much in shock to make a move.

Rick ended up being the one to step up. He raised his gun, ready to shoot. But then Hope stepped forward, she pushed his arm down shaking her head. She couldn't let him do this. She knew how much this was going to effect him. So she would do it herself, she had never met the girl so it would be better for her to do it rather ran someone who knew her.

Rick turned to Hope, he knew what she wanted to do. He hesitated before giving her a small nod and handing her his gun.

She raised the gun and took a shakey breathe. She might not have known the girl, but she meant something to the group, therefore she meant something to Hope. She felt a hand placed on her shoulder and looked back, Rick was standing behind her, he gave her a small nod as if telling her it was ok. He was proud of her, amazed she was willing to do something like this for him. He respected her deeply.

Hope looked towards Sophia again, she was only a few steps away now.

With one last big breath, Hope pulled the trigger.

Sorry if this chapter sucks ass, I'm drunk asf rn lol. But I'm trying. How did you like it? What do you think of Rick and Hope?
Vote and comment!!!

•Timeless || Rick Grimes 1•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora