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I walked up to the stairs,
Where the rooftop is located.
And as I open the door,
The strong winds met me as it blows.

Just as I was about to take off my shoes,
Off of the rooftop there I see.
A girl with pretty hair there before me,
Despite myself I go and scream.

❝Hey don't do it please!❞

But, wait a minute what did I just say?
I can't believe, I couldn't care less either way.
The girl turned her head to me,
The tears in her there I can see.

She was smiling at me bitterly,
Her eyes are full of misery.
She was holding onto the railings,
Like how she wants to hold to her feelings.

The girl looked away at the skies,
Hoping that her suffering could just die.
But I was standing there only,
My heart beats increase slowly.

❝I have a problem,❞

Just as she was about to tell her woes,
The floor suddenly sticks into my toes.
I couldn't even move my feet,
I knew she was also feeling shit.

❝I like this person since we were young,❞

❝When we grew up she told me she was done.❞

To be honest I was pissed,
My small opportunity that I missed.
If this was the only thing,
She shouldn't have begin.

I shook my head and then I sighed,
If she only knew that I was tired.
There is so many reasons of it,
Hers was so easy to fix.

❝For God's sakes please, are you serious I just can't believe!❞

❝For that reason you got here before me!❞

❝Are you upset that you can't get what you wanted?!❞

❝You're lucky you've never gotten robbed of anything!❞

She faced me and then smiled at me,
Even if she was sad I feel.
Her hair is flowing,
While she was smiling.

❝I'm feeling better now, thank you for listening.❞

She looked away and then she disappeared.

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