"Natalia" I hear Mrs. Reed say. "You were Xander's assistant?" She asks.

"Yes, I was," I say. 

"Please sit down with us." She says inviting me to sit next to her which I do so. I feel nervous being with his parents because I wasn't told much of them. "Olivia told us about you."

"Oh," I say feeling smaller than before. I wonder if she knows everything. "What did she tell you about me?" I manage to ask.

"Just that you were Xander's assistant but Xander mentioned that you and he were together." She says.

"Yes," I say. I still don't know what to say because it's true that we were together before I left.

"And he mentioned that you were pregnant but lost the baby." Mrs. Reed says.

"Yes, she died at birth." I feel a tear fall but I wipe it away.

"I'm sorry. We didn't know about any of this up until two months ago when he mentioned it to us. Olivia only told us that you were on your way and we didn't know what to expect but I'm thankful that you're here for him. I feel like a bad parent that I pushed him into this marriage and caused him so much grief." Mrs. Reed says.

"I don't think you are a bad parent because you're still here for him despite everything," I say.

"Thank you, Natalia." Mrs. Reed says and before we say anything else Xander's father finishes his phone call.

"Alizah called and said she would join us as soon as possible. Also, the police suspect that the car that purposely crashed into Xander's car did it with an intent to kill him." Mr. Reed explains.

"Do the police have any suspects?" Mrs. Reed asks.

"No, but it could be Xander's competitors from other companies or old colleagues of his." Mr. Reed says.

"Have the doctors said anything?" I ask.

"Nothing yet, about an hour ago they said he was admitted into surgery. All we can do is wait for any updates." Mrs. Reed says. I'm starting to feel helpless while I'm sitting here waiting. Without notice, Mrs. Reed grasps my hands and I look up at her. "He'll be okay." She says and I smile at her but just as I'm about to say anything else I see Alizah emerge through the hallway.

"I got here as fast as I could!" She says and her parents walk towards her to give her a hug.

"Where's Nick?" Mrs. Reed asks after their small reunion.

"He's parking the car but he should be here soon," Alizah says and soon her eyes meet mine. "Natalia?" She asks and I get up from the chair to meet her. 

"I have a lot to explain but I wanted to be here." When I left Xander I didn't get a chance to tell Alizah much what happened the day I left her house. I owe her an apology and an explanation because she is a friend to me.

"No need to explain I'm glad you're here." She says before giving me a hug and I'm relieved that she understands. 

A moment later Nick arrives and he tells us that it was difficult finding a parking spot because of all the press surrounding the hospital entrance. While Nick talks to Mr. and Mrs. Reed Alizah and I talk about what has happened in the past two months. I knew most what happened with Xander but I didn't know that he cut off all contact with his family.

"Yeah, it was frustrating not hearing his annoying voice." She says and I smile for a split second forgetting where I am but my smile falters when I remember that I'm in the hospital waiting. "Hey, it's all going to be okay. My brother is probably giving them a hard time." I smile meekly. 

The rest of the time spent in the waiting room we continue talking and at one point we each take turns getting food because it's been some time since we've eaten. 

The entire time I was waiting I would think back on the times Xander and I spent together. I still regret leaving him the way I did and for thinking that our separation would be good for us but it clearly didn't. I just wish I stayed.

The next hour, a doctor enters the waiting room and we all get up to hear what he has to say.

"Are you Mr. Reed's family?" The doctor asks. He's an older doctor who has glasses and scrubs on. He must be the head doctor by the looks of it.

"Yes, we are." Xander's father says and it makes me realize that Mr. Reed has included me in the mix of there family when he responded to the doctor. 

"Good. We finished operating on him and he is stabilized at the moment but he was sedated heavily due to the many injuries that he sustained from the crash. The next twenty-four hours will be crucial for Mr. Reed but not to worry he will be under observation by our staff. If there's anything we will update you further." The doctor explains and I let myself take a deep breath and allow my shoulders to relax. 

"Will we be able to visit him?" Alizah asks while holding Nicks's hand. 

"Yes, visiting hours are still going but we can only allow no more than two guests at a time." He says and we all agree to the visiting rules. 

Xander's parents go first to see their son, followed by Alizah and Nick, and soon enough it's my turn to see him. When I enter Xander's room, I'm not prepared for what I see.

On the bed, Xander lays with many IVs and tubes attached to him and his hands and chest are bandaged. Luckily, the only thing that isn't bandaged is his face but seeing him like this brings the tears to my eyes and I sit next to him. All I see a broken man that I damaged from my foolish mistake. As long as I exist, I will never leave this beautiful but stubborn man that I love behind.

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