Naruto~ Parents

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Was heard all across Konoha as Uzumaki Naruto tried to learn about his family. His team was recently helping out more family's and Sasuke kept talking about how amazing his family was until Itatchi had a massive tantrum (I know it isn't what really happened but I'm joking like he didn't get his way so he killed them IN NO WAY MEANT TO INSULT PEOPLE!!) and killed the clan.

"So Naruto, you haven't told us about your family, who are they?" Sakura had innocently asked, and Naruto replied, "Well, there was Jiji, and Iruka-Sensei, and now there's just Baa-Chan, you guys, Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei, and Ojisan." Sakura shook her head, "I mean your biological family Naruto." Naruto looked down, "O-oh, Um, I dunno. I never met them or was told about them. I'm an orphan, remember?" The two looked shocked, "How in the hell can you be so cheery then?"

Naruto jumped up and smiled fakely at them, "Because I'm happy with what I have, though I do wish I knew who at least one of them were. I wonder who I look more like?" He babbled on as they walked, making them all think Naruto returned to normal. 

"Please Baa-Chan! At least tell me about one parent! I hate not knowing about my heritage and all that, I wanna know about my clan!"

"Teams 7 and 8 reporting for mission debriefing!" Kakashi and Kurenai yelled in unison making Naruto jump, "We will talk soon Baa-Chan, I swear on my Nindo." He muttered before joining his team.

"Our bond with the Village hidden in the Sand is diminishing, so we're sending an embassy team over to help make it a better place. Ino and Sakura will work on the healing selection, Kiba and Sasuke will work on Food, Hinata and Shino will work on infestations, and Naruto will work on fights and entertaining the kids. Report at the gates in 1 week. DISMISSED!" 

The teams started to leave but Tsunade yelled for Naruto, and spoke loud enough for others to hear, "Here's a photo of your mom, you wanted information so bad so I'll give some to you. She was the first female ANBU captain and called the 'Red Hot Habanero" for her fiery hair and temper. She was loved by all and her cooking was supreme. Uzumaki's are supposed to be naturally good at seals, and based on your grades with that, I'm guessing that to be true. Now go pack- NARUTO ARE YOU OK!?" 

The other eavesdropping teams barged in and saw Naruto looking at the Photo and crying, "Sh-she w-was b-beaut-tiful-l. Th-thank y-you B-Baa-ch-Chan." He wiped away his tears and jumped out the window to go pack. 

"Lady Tsunade, why was my Genin crying?" Kakashi asked firmly to try to hide the worry he felt, "He's been begging for about a month now for some intel on his parents so I told him about Kushina and gave him a photo. By the way, I've been looking through the records and found that Naruto supposedly lives in the Orphanage, but he always goes the opposite way of it, do you know where he lives?" Team 7 and 8 shook their heads, 

"I can sniff him out with Akamaru, Lady Tsunade." Kiba offered, she accepted.

They went into the red zone and the girls all trembled, and squealed when they heard fighting, or a beating. 




Tsunade burst through since she heard the word 'Killer' and checked it out, "NARUTO!?!? ARE YOU OK!!!!" He gave her a thumbs up and pulled a Kunai out of his shoulder and held a hand there. "I'm fine Baa-Chan, what are you all doing here anyways? You all live in Green, not Red."

Hinata spoke up, "W-we w-were w-wonderi-ing wh-where y-you l-lived N-Narut-to-K-Kun."

He looked confused so Sasuke spoke up, "The living records showed the wrong place for where you lived Dobe. Why didn't you tell the Hokage?" Naruto shrugged and brought them to his shitty apartment. 

The door was broken off its hinges and the inside was graffitied and destroyed, Naruto gave a huge sigh. "Time for another deep cleaning." Sakura screeched, "This happens often??" Naruto nodded, "Why do you think I was always sleeping in the academy? People think I killed the fourth Hokage because of my whisker scars and the fact I was born that day. Buncha idiots, I was barely an hour old." 

They all helped him clean and were shocked on how little he had, "Jeeze Naruto, considering how often you're on missions for Money you'd think you'd have more things!" Ino exclaimed, tired from working for three hours, "Blame the high priced 5,000 Yen for a rotten apple! That's why I always get ramen! Only 184 Yen, way cheaper!" (I have no fucking clue on this) They were horrified, "Naruto, normal apples only cost 50 Yen, who would pay 5,000 yen for a single apple?" Naruto pointed to himself and groaned, "My clothes where ruined, hang on, I gotta go buy some more." He started muttering about how much money he should bring, "10,000 yen or 20,000 yen? Eh, I'll just bring 15,000 Yen. Best bet." They all rolled their eyes, thinking it was fake, but followed anyways from a distance and saw him get thrown out of three different shops before a shop had him pay 4,000 Yen for a pair of socks. 

"Your total is 11,000 Yen, freak."

Sasuke was outraged, that much for a single pair of ORANGE PANTS AND A WHITE SHIRT!?! Naruto softly and respectfully asked, "Excuse me sire, how much would It be to buy a black pair of pants?" The man scoffed and yelled, "600,000 YEN FOR A HORRIFYING RUDE THING LIKE YOU! LINDA GET IT OUT OF MY SHOP! AND DON'T FORGET IT'S MONEY!" A buff woman came and kicked Naruto out literally. He groaned and grabbed the shirt and pants he bought and ran away quickly as a gang of buff and burly villagers started chasing after him, "HE UNDERPAID, GET HIM!!" Naruto ran quicker and yelped as he ran into two pink haired people, "M-My apologize Ma'am and Sir! I wasn't paying attention, please forgive my heinous act of touching someone of a higher rank than I." Sakura gasped as she realized that the two were her parents. 

Her mom screamed and hit Naruto with her purse and her Father started beating Naruto's body. Sakura and the rest had enough and raced out, Sakura yelling "STOP IT MOMMY, DADDY! LEAVE NARUTO-KUN ALONE!" Her mom let an outraged gasp as she heard Sakura said, 'Naruto-Kun' 


Kizashi let out a horrified gasp and said, "Don't worry our sweet flower, Mebuki, lets destroy the demon!" Sakura looked horrified at Naruto as he looked at her, blood trailing down his pale face.

"It's ok."

Those were the last words Naruto ever spoke, Mebuki and Kizashi had taken a kunai each from Naruto and stabbed both his lungs, then gorged his eyes out, then stabbed his heart.

Everyone who'd ever hated him was sent to Ibiki and Anko, who loved their crazy dandelion. 

It was getting kinda long so I decided to end it on a sad note and make Y'all sad. The reason that it's Dandelion instead of Sunflower is that Denki Kaminari is what I call my Sunflower.

Word count- 1216

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