Quiet Rin

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In this one, Rin Okumura is a quiet kid who's only like that after being Raped and abused as a child. But only after Shiro was killed. He also likes quietness but speaks when necessary.
Rin P0V-
I walked into the room and noticed everyone was looking at me, I'd just let them know that I was the son of Satan. And they were mad.
"Look at the Demon." Bon snarled. (Most likely spelt that wrong. Comment how to actually spell it) I looked to the ground and sat in the very front, by myself. I didn't want to freak Sheami out by sitting next to her.
"Mommy?!" I heard a voice at the door. Everyone looked at the door. "Eep!" She squealed and I raced towards her. "Keep the demon away from the kid!" Bin shouted. I just hit his head and hugged Yuui, calming her down I kissed the top of her head and signed a quick 'you're ok Yuui.' She nodded and said "Are you ok Mommy?" She asked sweetly. "MOMMY?!" Everyone shouted. I walked up to the board carrying Yuui. "I'm, *Sigh*. A victim of-" Bon interrupted me saying, "Victim? Like a demon could ever be a victim." That made Yuui mad. "MOMMY WAS A VICTIM! How else would I be here?" I sighed and continued to speak. "I'm a victim of rape. From about 3 years ago. The man was never found, and Yuui here was born."
One week later
0 P0V-
They were all walking with Yuui and Rin to buy Yuui some clothes, when a man made Rin freeze. "Hello cutie." His gruff voice said. Rin started sweating and backing away, handing Yuui off to Bon. "I-I gotta go..." he whispered and raced off, the man chasing him. "Rin?" They all asked except for Yuui. "Mommy?" She said. The man had stopped Rin and was holding his wrist. "So this is the product of Us?" He asked cruelly. "How about a round two? Three years later?" Rin froze and whimpered. "No? Too bad!" He pulled him away and the Exwires ran towards him. "RIN!" They raced towards him and beat the man up. Promising Rin to protect him.
Lol hope y'all like it. Word count- 384 and feel free to take this and use it yourself.

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