Peter Parker~ Weird Trip

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So this is a One-shot about Peter having an internship at Stark tower, and getting sick on the day of the trip to the tower, the class yells at him and he gets a sensory overload making the entire team get pissed. It's a Stony, SpidyPool fic and Flash is an idiot.
•Peters P0V•
I woke up feeling sick, yet I had to get up. It was the trip day and I needed to get up.
"Morning Pete." Dad, Tony Stark, said. I groaned and Auntie 'Tasha checked my temperature. "Holy Sh-" Steve Glared "Shot. Holy shot Peter you're burning up!" I fell to the floor and was caught By Clint. Everyone rushed over and checked on me. Tony picked me up bridal style and placed me on my bed. "Get some rest kid. I'll wake you up for lunch." I nodded, passing out.
•3rd P0V- With the class•
A sweet employee who was hired to help with groups, by the name of Elle, met up with the class downstairs,
"Hi! My names Elle, but you can call me El! I'm here to give you your passes and tell you the rules! You all have level one clearance, Oh! Mr. Leeds! Ms. Jane! Do you need to get your passes renewed?" MJ and Ned shook their heads, "Trip." MJ replied, and Elle went on explaining the rules. They walked into the elevator and Elle told F.R.I.D.A.Y to take them to level 75, and it was Pandemonium. Tony and Steve were screaming about how he pasta was burnt, Natasha and Clint were meditating, Loki and Thor where arguing about which Mario cart character was better, They couldn't decide between Rosalina and Daisy, and Bruce Banner was just watching in the corner.
"HEY!" Elle yelled at the group quickly calming them down. "This is the class that is here to explore." She was about to continue when she was interrupted by a sleepy peter covered in a blanket walked out into the room asking for food.
"WHAT THR HELL IS PENIS PARKER DOING HERE?!" Flash shouted at Peter making him whimper and flinch. Someone else walked in calling for someone,
"Babe~ Why'd you leave~" The boy whined, hugging Peter from behind. "Food." Was Peters only reply.
"HEY! WADE GET OFF OF HIM!" Tony s d Steve both shouted at the boy now named Wade. He was awoken fully by the science teacher, Raymond Warren, who grabbed his shoulder and tried to take him away scolding him for lying about his Internship. Until he heard a gun cock at the back of his head.
"Put Peter down now before you die." Peter quickly said, "Auntie Tasha! No killing!" And Natasha groaned and took Peter back towards the Avengers.  He stopped halfway between them and the whole class yelled at Peter for calling Natasha Auntie Tasha, Clint Uncle Clint, Bruce Uncle Bruce, and etc. The Avengers yelled back about how they should stop yelling at Peter, But Peter was having a sensory overload.
•Peters P0V•
It was too much, my head was roaring, my skin ablaze, and my lungs felt like they were barely getting any oxygen.
"Peter's Heart-rate is increasing drastically." FRIDAY said silencing the groups Immediately. "Pete?" I heard Dad and Wade shout. I collapsed to the floor into Dad and Wades arms. They both freak out and check to see if I'm alive.
"B-burning. W-Wade, D-dad." I manage to stutter out, my voice gradually getting weaker and soon fading out entirely. As I soon fade into darkness.
•Tony's P0V•
I saw my kid collapse and heard the class freaking out. Wade picked Petey up, bridal style, and glared at the class saying, "If i didn't need to take care of Petey, I'd kill you all right now." I said back to him, "Deadpool, no threatening the class. Now I'll answer your questions once I make sure my son's ok."
~30 minutes later~
I sat down on a chair in-front of the entire class filling up my couches. The team behind me and looking threateningly at a boy named Flash.
"Now first question, yes, MJ?"
MJ quickly asked, "Is Peter ok?"
And Ned followed up with a, "Yeah, what happened to make him sick?" I sighed and replied with, "You guys are good friends to Pete, and MJ, Peter's fine, just sick. And Ned, He had a sensory Overload, by he'll be fine by 3. Any others?" Flash raised his hand and was I called on him. "Why is Penis Parker Here?"
They all looked to Bruce and Natasha, Bruce turned into Hulk and Natasha punched the wall making a sizable crater in the wall.
"Don't ever call my SON that again if you value your life." Toby and Steve threatened Flash, who gulped because now all he Avengers were glaring at him. "He's here because he's my son and he has an important roll here at the tower." Peter walked in again and hugged me, "Dad, I never got my food." Wade walked out and dragged Peter over to the kitchen and made him an omelet. "Pete, you're adorable!" Wade cuddled into Peters neck and kissed it. I yelled a warning at wade who ignored me and stuck his tongue at me. Pete laughed and went back to eating. He and wade went over to the loveseat and Pete cuddled into Wades warm body. Tony asked the class again, "So anymore questions?" A girl in the back asked, "So Peter, are you gay?" Peter nodded and cuddled back into Wades arms soon passing out? Barely hearing her whisper out the word "Faggot." (I'm Pansexual and I don't support this at all, I punched someone who called me Fag as an insult.) But Natasha, Bruce Clint, Steve, Loki, Thor, and I all did. "You might want to leave now." I said coldly. I then called Elle out to send them back to their bus. I then picked up my son and carried him to his room. I kissed his forehead and walked out, seeing them all planning on killing Flash and the other girl who insulted Peter. "Hey," they looked at me frightened, "if we do this we gotta be secretive about it. Ok?"
Word count- 1,042

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