Blue Exorcist~ Memories

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Edit- I tried recording one but the shit thing didn't upload. So just watch episode 2.
So the video is going to be Rin
becoming a demon for the first time.
"Ok class." Mephisto said to the entire class, "Today, we're showing a video of what happens to those possessed by Satan. This was provided by raw evidence, and might be triggering to others!"
The class looked around in worry, most of them had witnessed the Blue Night, and they knew Rin was the son of Satan.
"We'll be seeing the video from one of your classmates memories. Sorry, Rin!"
Rin looked shocked and started to protest before he promptly passed out, "Now, if you all will open your mind to me, we shall enter Rin's mind."
The entire class passed out and when they opened their eyes, they saw Rin and a man arguing.
"Your not my dad! I'll just be leaving like you wanted me to."
They saw the man slap Rin and noticed two things, Rin was looking at the man in fear and realization.
'I knew it' they heard a voice they recognized as Rins. "Are we hearing his thoughts?" Shiami asked and Mephisto nodded. 'I knew he always hated me. I'm just the unwanted freak.' Old Rin turned to walk away, tears threatening to leave his eyes, when they all saw the man collapse, Rin turned around in feat, "Old man!" They heard him yell, the man yelled back "Stay back! All of you!!" And suddenly the man was covered in flames, blue flames.
"Father Fugimoto!" They heard the monastery staff yell out.
Rin looked terrified and the man laughed maniacally.
"Finally! Finally I got control of his body! Oh, how I've been dying to get into Fugimoto Shiro's body!"
'Wh-what? Wh-who is this?!"
"I'm Satan, ruler of Gahenna, demon king! But you can call me Papa if you want!" Rin started shaking, obviously scared of the man.
The other monastery workers started running towards Satan, but they caught fire and Rin started running over to them, but he froze when the man spoke.
"Now now, don't interrupt my long awaited reunion! Come, my long lost son, let's get your powers back!" Rin started crawling away, 'Go away, this is all just a dream. Why am I so stupid!?'
"S-Stay back!"
The whole class agreed, it took Balls to yell at Satan.
Rin erupted into small flames over his body, and Satan started laughing,
"What was that? You piss your pants or something?!" (This was an amazing line and I love it so much) Satan laughed maniacally once again, and he grabbed Rin's hoodie and dragged him across the shattered glass on the floor.
"L-lemme go! LET ME GO!! I AM NOT A DEMON!!"
Satan threw Rin into the Gahenna gate he made and Rin screamed, 'It burns, itburns, ITBURNSITBURNSITBURNS!!!'
Satan laughed like crazy once again, "Stop whining and get your demonic powers already, my Beloved son-." Satan stopped speaking and they heard Fugimoto's voice, "You're wrong," "W-what?!" Then the other voice picked up the Exorcist pin and stabbed himself in the chest, "THATS MY SON!"
Satan yelled out one more thing before they were kicked out, "DAMN YOU EXORCIST!!!"
The whole class woke up to a crying Rin who was muttering how it was all his fault.
"Y-Yukio." He Gaines his twins attention. "M-maybe y-you sh-should sh-shoot m-me. L-like y-you th-threatened t-to. I-it w-would b-be better f-for e-everyone!" Shura looked pissed. "WHAT THE HELL FOUR EYES?! YOU THREATENED TO KILL YOUR ONLY FAMILY MEMBER?!" Yukio looked at the whole class, "I did what I believed to be the best course of action. But now the Vatican thinks he could be a good weapon, if trained right."
The whole class looked at each other in shock and asked Rin what happened after they were kicked out of the memory.
"I unsheathed the sword and destroyed the gate, but Shiro was dead. And it was my fault. Shiro died because of me. That's why Yukio threatened to kill me. I'm a liability in battle."
They to each other saddened that the once happy boy thought so little of himself.
Word count- 722

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