"Why was he so bothered that you're gay?"

He looked up at me quickly, brows drawing together in confusion.

"What father would be okay with his son liking other guys? Of course he was bothered."

 I sucked my top lip in, letting my teeth graze it as I pulled it free again, my heart beating loudly in my ears.

"My father was okay with it. He told me that it didn't matter who I chose to love, I was still his son, and he would always be proud of me, no matter what."

His eyes burned into mine, and I swallowed as he seemed to be holding his breath.  Our gazes held for several moments, and he broke eye contact first this time, his chest rising as he drew in a breath.

"Well you got lucky then, if your father accepted it. My father wasn't the only one who had a problem with it. One of my boyfriends got the shit knocked out of him by his old man when he found out. Turns out we were both told that men were supposed to like women, and that it was unnatural for men to like other men."

I had no idea what to say, so I said nothing, staring at my plate that still held most of my slice of pie. 

"Are you gonna eat that pie, or let it sit there and collect dust?"

I smiled, picking up the fork and taking a chunk of the pie, bringing it to my mouth. 

"Mind if I get another piece?"

I shook my head, chewing what was in my mouth as I watched him get up and make his way to the kitchen. A minute later he was back with another slice of pie on his plate, lowering himself back down to the mat.

"I guess you got your appetite back?"

He chuckled, shoving a big bite into his mouth, nodding as he chewed. 

"Dis would be perfek wif a grass of milk..." he said with his mouth still half full.

"Milk is one of those things that unfortunately, I can't keep on hand during the warmer months. It spoils too fast."

We both finished the rest of our pie in silence, and I got up, taking the two plates into the kitchen and placing them on the counter. 

I came back and sat down, realizing that he was looking at me. My eyes met his, and we held each others gaze for a good minute before I looked away.

"How long have you lived out here in the woods by yourself?"

I sighed. "About four years, I think. I stayed in my house for about a year after my parents left, but eventually it got too hard, dealing with everyone who didn't want me around, so I came out here. It's a lot more peaceful, even if it is harder to live this way."

"Your parents...just left? And didn't take you with them?"

"I didn't want to go. This was my home, I grew up here, and I wasn't going to just leave it. My dad took my mom away from here because people found out she was a witch, and they didn't take it well, most of them wanting her gone. He was afraid they would catch her and burn her, or hang her like they used to do to witches, so he took her and left. I don't even know where they went, because he wouldn't tell me."

"Weren't they worried about you? Since you have powers too?"

My mom had been very worried about leaving me behind, but I made it clear that I wasn't leaving. My dad told her that I was old enough to make my own decision, and they would just have to trust that I knew what I was doing. She finally relented, telling me to be careful, and if things got too hard, to stop being so stubborn and just leave town.

The Healer In the Woods Where stories live. Discover now