chapter nine

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"what's up guys?! it's sam and colby. today we are here with nate, alex and adelaide." colby said to the camera

"and we are at the abandoned six flags in new orleans." sam said, i kinda tuned out as they talked about the security guy that saw us.

after sam finished the short history on the place, we started walking towards the entrance. 

nate threw alex's hat into the woods so we had to stop for a minute so they could attempt to retrieve it.

we made our way towards the little hole in the wire fence, all of us running under it. colby went under it first then sam followed through. i was next in line then nate and alex.

we ran closer to where we had to be so we didn't get caught. after running pretty far, we eventually got in to a point where we couldn't get caught.

once we were in, we immediately saw a green spinning ride so sam went and sat in one of the seats and the other three boys pushed him in it.

after that, we went to a huge building that was basically empty but had a stage set up. sam and nate got up on the stage and started performing a very short excerpt from romeo and juliet.

"do you guys dare me?!" sam fakes giggled, acting like he was going to go into the abandoned girls bathroom. and he did, which made me roll my eyes at the fact that he's 5 years older than me.

we found the swing carousel thing and then nate, colby and alex all decided to take their shirts off. which i wasn't complaining.

colby smirked at me, noticing that i was eyeing him. i discreetly flipped him off, smiling. we started walking through the park further, eventually getting to the line of the big rollercoaster.

we started walking and colby made a ~ great ~ joke.

"when we go back home, you should really yell at katrina for doing this cause it was a really cool park, man." get it... hurricane katrina

we basically ran the whole way up the rollercoaster stairs to avoid being caught, which obviously made everyone super tired.

we filmed up there for a few minutes before deciding to go back down. i stood up and alex slightly bumped into me, making me loose my balance.

i wouldn't have fallen since i would have easily been able to catch myself. i would have been fine and able to stop myself from falling 200+ feet to my death but colby grabbed me as it happened.

"shit, adelaide, are you okay?" he asked me, pulling my body into his, in an 'are you okay manor?'

"yeah... yeah i'm good. thank you." i told him, pulling away so it was sus.

"adelaide, you need to be careful... are you okay?" sam expressed his concern for me.

colby was basically up my ass the rest of the way down the stairs because he was worried about me. don't get me wrong, that was very sweet of him but what're the chances that i'd fall twice.

we made it to the bottom, everyone asking me (yet again) if i was okay. i told them i was fine so we moved on.

there were a ton of bugs everywhere and it was very very hot out. i personally was not enjoying myself.

there was an indoor rollercoaster that we eventually found. it wasn't very cool though so we decided to go to the ferris wheel.

colby was bragging about almost being an eagle in boys scouts.

we all did a high school musical jump in front of the arcade for a photo

sam tried to ride in one of the ferris wheel baskets but was unsuccessful due to colbys common sense and gravity.

colby started to walk up one of the ladders, giving me minor anxiety since i didn't want him to die... and nate started up the other side of the ladder.

then colby wanted nate to throw him the backpack, which made me even more nervous but they successfully did it.

we decided to get out of there after that, security stopping us on the way out but let us go anyways since we played dumb.

it was mid- afternoon at that point so we decided to go get food.

we just went to an applebee's, reminding all five of us of kansas. i wasn't even sure if there was an applebee's in cali.

it was two days since our exploration. we were leaving louisiana in a few hours so we were all just cleaning up the hotel.

"hey, i'm hungry. do you guys wanna go for food?" sam asked the four of us.

"i'm good... probably just gonna take a nap." i said, hoping colby would get the hint to also stay back.

"i'm down, bro." nate said.

"i think i'll just stay here. i still have a headache." colby expressed. which was true, colby did have a headache.

the three boys left, leaving colby and i alone. i had just pulled up their video that went live and was reading the comments, specifically the ones about colby and i.

'the way colby looked at adelaide when she almost fell 🥺 i'm weak'

'i know it's a basic human thing to try to save someone but there has to be some hidden feelings in there. did y'all see the way he looked at her??'

'he was so concerned for adelaide... sams lucky to have such a good friend'

we read through the comments, a few of the top comments being about the two of us. this was common though... a fair bit of fans hardcore ship cadelaide. but can you blame them?

colby and i sat on the couch, reading comments for about a half hour before we realized that the boys would be back soon.

which also made me realize we had a 6 hour flight back home.

colby was in our hotel room kitchen, just playing on his phone and i was on the couch, working on my weekly vlog.

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