Part 11: Why?

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I sprint through the halls of full sail looking for Rhea. I haven't seen her since last Wednesday. I burst through the doors of hunters office seeing red my knuckles white."where is she". All he does is smirk. "Who are you talking about tyler?" I slam the door shut behind me and jump onto his desk kicking his papers to the side. "Where is Rhea?". He smirks and claps slowly. "She got released Thursday". As he says that my mind goes blank and I drop off his desk and say in a random chair my breath going short.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" I ask as tears start to escape my eyes. "She had no use to me anymore so I released her and she went back to Australia". I immediately get up and walk to my locker room hunter following. "What the hell are you doing" he demands with anger. I pull out my contract and start to laugh before shoving it into his chest.

"My time here is done" he chuckles before a hard look recaptures his face. "Like hell it is you have a 7 on 1 elimination match tonight Vs the Undispited Era and the OC"." Actually my contract ran out 2 months ago" I smirk as his face goes into shock.

I pack everything I have here and walk out to my car and call Rhea.
She answers and I hear sniffing in the background.
"Ello" I hear her answer.
"Rhea its tyler please don't tell me what hunter said was true"
I hear her start to cry and I cut her off. "Give me your address I'll be there asap". I hang up and she texts me her address and I drive to the airport and give the valet my keys and take my luggage and get a ticket on the nearest plane to Australia.

After a 20 Hour flight and 2 cups of coffee. I get off the plane and get my luggage and get a taxi and tell him her address before I run my hands trying not to feel clammy.

The taxi arrives to her house and I get out and walk up to the front door and knocks on the door.

A middle age lady in her 50's opens the door and looks me up and down before speaking. "Who the hell are you". I clear my voice "my name Is tyler ma'am I was a travel partner with Rhea". She gives me a questioning look before laughing s little." I think you mean demi". She enters back in her house and yells up the stairs."DEMI YOU HAVE A VISITOR". She walks back to me." She'll be down in a minute.

About 2 minutes later Rhea answers the door and stares in shock. She takes in my appearance my bloodshot eyes the bags under my eyes and the baggy clothes I'm wearing.
She then squeals happy for the first time in a week and jumps in my arms and squeezes me tight. I hug her back as her mother smiles snapping a photo.

She leans her head back and smiles at me. "What are you doing here?" I smile "looks like we're both out of a job". She gasps "they released you too?" I shake my head smiling. " my contact ran out 2 months ago". She looks down and buries her face in the crook of my neck kissing it softly. I stifle a groan and get my phone out. "I haven't been completely honest with you demi". She looks at me worriedly." My last name isnt Gordon that was just a competitive name for wrestling". She looks at me confused.
"I'll show you in due time". She shakes her head laughing.

1 week later.

We arrive in Vegas after getting on a connected flight from LA. We get off the plane carrying our luggage. We hail a taxi and go to a random hotel and get a room.

After checking in we go to our room and collapse onto the bed as she snuggles into my side. "My suprise will be revealed tomorrow babe". She nods in my side as we fall asleep.

We wake up and get some breakfast before I take her to the suprise I've been hyping up. I pull into their driveway and she's already standing outside.
I walk up and give her a big hug as she returns it. "Hey renne" "hey tyler how have ya been" I've been great".

As she let's go of the hug my brother walks outside in workout clothes and he walks to me. "My Brotha". I laugh and hug him. "Hey Jon" Demi looks confused at us 3. I chuckle, "yeah my real name is Tyler Good".

This is her Brutality (Rhea Ripley X OC)Where stories live. Discover now