Part 8: A Storm is brewing

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I walk into full sail the Wednesday after Takeover with a smile on my face, and a skip in my step. I knock on hunters door then enter and he sighs. "What do you want?". "I want a match with AJ tonight". He shakes his head muttering  a fine before I leave. I walk down the halls before I'm shoved against a wall.

"You better be ready to be demolished by the OC, the only club that matters" AJ yells in my face as I roll my eyes and spit his face not giving a damn. I walk away as he screams random profanities at me as I walk to my locker room.

I walk out to the ring for Rheas match. She locks with Dakota Kai and they have a phenomenal match before both are on the top rope trading punches.

Rhea grabs Dakota and gets her for a fisherman suplex from the top rope and they both collide with the mat screaming in pain.

I slam my hands on the mat multiple times. "Cmon Rhea" I cheer her on. She gets up as Dakota throws a superkick and Rhea catches it before countering  it into the riptide and covers Dakota.
"Your winner of the match Rhea Ripley" the ring announcers voice booms to the crowd as they cheer for Rhea as I climb into the ring raises her hand and she smiles brightly to the crowd before sliding out of the ring as I follow.

We get backstage and she hugs me tightly. "Damn it felt good to kick some ass again". I nod and smile at her "I'll get the feeling later tonight".

I walk out to the ring for my match with AJ. He then comes out with the club as pyro goes off. I pace the ring as the bell rings and he immediately runs at me with a closeline.

I fall to the mat before doing a kipup barely affected by the closeline. He runs again at me again but I catch him in a spinebuster. He slides to the outside pissed off talking to gallows and Anderson before I run off the ropes and do a suicide dive onto them all. Then finn runs at me and I back body drop him into a group of fans. I grab AJ and throw him in the ring before getting onto the apron and springboard off of it and go for a blockbuster. He counters it into a back breaker.

I roll around wriving in pain as he picks me up going for a style clash as he lifts me I counter it into a canadian destroyer. I pick him up and place him on the top rope and go to the outside and jump from the top rope and go for a hurricanerana but he catches me as gallows and Anderson distract the ref as finn nails me with the title belt. AJ is about to hit the styles clash before someone's theme hits


She runs out with a steel chair and swings randomly at the club as she chases them off. I get off AJ and finally do the hurricane rana then pick him up and hit a nightfall on him. I pin him holding my neck.

I roll off of him and immediately roll to the outside stumbling to gain my balance as Rhea smirks at the club as I limp to the back.

We get to the back and I glare at her and she looks confused. "What ? I was fucking helping ya mate". I shake my head "you could  had gotten fucking hurt you know that?' She immediately laughs.

"I can handle myself bub". she Pats my shoulder I grab her wrist and drag her to my locker room and close the door pinning her to the wall. Her breath hitches and she stares straight at my eyes.

"You think you can handle my world?" She smirks placing her hands behind my neck. "I know I can" she says before kissing me softly like I did to her. And like her I stand there shocked before kissing back and placing my hands on her hips.

I don't know where these feelings will go but I know there is no going back now.

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