Chapter Two

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I don't know how to feel ever since baba dropped on me the news of my marriage but I could only hope my future husband was okay, that he would treat me well. We were meeting later in the afternoon and I had purposely left that part out when I told my best friends about the marriage yesterday because I could imagine them especially Kemi, the typical Yoruba girl getting me all prepared for what Ada would have insisted was a date.

I knew though, that it wasn't a date, it was more like a meeting. I was meeting my future husband and I was suppose to act well mannered and all even though that wasn't the kind of person I was. Maybe baba thought that was the kind of person I was, even though I wasn't. I could only hope he was also well mannered otherwise, he wouldn't like what's coming for him.

Al ameen, one of the handsome, single and rich son of Alhaji Hussein. I couldn't fathom how Baba could even imagine I would be good enough for someone like him. Dressed in an abaya, with a scarf wrapped tightly around my head and a sandal. I felt pretty bland compared to the guy in front of me whom was dressed in just a well sown and ironed Ginni paired with a cap which he had removed and placed on the table earlier.

"Assalam walaykun." I said as I finally got something out of my mouth.

"Walaykun salam." He replied, I nodded.

"Okay. See, I have virtually no interest in being here with you but it would be rude to skip this so here's a few things about me because I know there's no way out of this, we are definitely getting married. Firstly, I'm not into you. Secondly, I have a girlfriend and thirdly, you are not my type." He said.

Taking a deep breath, I muttered "Must you point out in three different sentences that I'm not good enough for you."

"Yes, I must cause I don't want you getting ideas in your head." He said.

"Ooh right, I wasn't even having none before and I'm also not interested in you. I'm just as tired and angry at this whole setting like you are." I replied.

"Good, cause I'm getting married to Halima a week after our marriage."

"What! A whole freaking week. Why don't you just get married to both of us on the same day." I replied sarcastically.

"I would have done that but I wanted to make it a special day for her and besides I don't think your father would accept to see his only daughter married off like that so with respect to your father and my real finance, I wouldn't be doing it that way."

"Well great! See you at the wedding." I stood up as he slid a complimentary card in front of me.

"What's that for?" I ask

"It would be weird not to know your finance digits weeks away to your wedding." He said as he placed his cap on his head and stood up, gracing me with his back as he walked away.

I slumped back into the chair as I sighed deeply. "My future looks so bleak."

How long does it take to actually call someone back." I pondered as I paced my office, worried. I had called Segun over 24 times and he still hadn't call back. My phone vibrated on my desk as I rushed to pick it only to find out the call wasn't from him.

By noon, I had called ten more times and he still wasn't picking. Growing worried, I called in the receptionist and Kelechi as I picked up my bag to go and check him at his house.

"I'm closing early today, take care of the hotel and get me those records I couldn't work on today tomorrow morning. I want to see them on my table when I resume tomorrow.

"Okay ma." They replied as I carried my bag and left the office.

Getting to Seguns apartment was no issue since there was no traffic, a small smile graced my lip as I parked in the parking lot. I could already imagine living here with Segun and I couldn't wait to be Mrs Lajide. I brought out my extra key and tried to open the door but it was locked from inside which could only mean that he was in.

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