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I must go and see the doctor today. It has been a week since I have been seeing the sign but, I refuse to believe it. It must be wrong; I told myself all week. You are probably overreacting; my mind tells me. However, deep down. I knew I wasn't overreacting. It was real but enough of the thinking and assumptions, I must confirm it today. I groaned as I stood up, preparing to go to the hospital. Unlike a month ago, I wasn't singing happily in shower, just doing what I had to do methodically as I made a mental note to see the doctor immediately after work and also inform my parents if the outcome was as I feared.

Dr Ade, also popularly known as Mrs Adeola outside the professional world welcomed me with a bright smile as I walked into her office.

"Hello there, Miss Kemi. How are you doing today?"

"Okay, okay." I replied randomly as I took my seat.

"Great, so what can I do for you today?" She said as she went through my file for any recent changes.

"Hmmm, so yeah. Last week, I was feeling really odd and weird, I kept vomiting and also I haven't..." I trailed off ashamed of myself.

"Okay, go on kemi." She urged quietly

...seen my period which has long been due so I Google searched and pregnancy came up. Anyways, I got a test kit and the result came out to be positive." I concluded, taking a deep breath to steady myself.

"How many times did you take the test?"

"Thrice to be sure."

"Okay then, you are not too young to have a child so everything should be good and I hope you are excited about it." She asks gently, like a mother would.

"Hmm hmm." I responded.

" Okay, time to take some tests." She said lightly as she finished scribbling in my file.

Two hour later, after a series of tests and results. It was confirmed, I was going to be a mother. I didn't know how to deal with the big change that's going to happen soon in my life but first, I knew I needed to inform my parent. I sighed deeply as I drove into my parent home. If I hadn't been so worried about how I was going to drop the bomb on my parent, I would have stopped to admire the beautiful surroundings as usual but I didn't.

"Good afternoon ma." I said, kneeling fully to greet my mom who was watching some native movie on the TV.

"How are you my dear? How's work going?" She asks as I stood up, sitting down next to her on the chair, I bent down a bit to unbuckle my heels.

"I'm fine ma, work is going very well ma." I responded.

"Where's dad?"

"Ooh, he's upstairs. He just got back from a community meeting so I believe he's taking a shower. Have you had something to eat this afternoon?" She asks.

"No ma but I think food is an excellent idea ma. What's Shade making?"

"Amala and Ewedu. You can go into the kitchen and tell her to make some for you too before your dad comes down." She said.

"Okay ma." I said picking up the nylon of fruit I got on my way over as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Shade, please make some of that for me. It smells great." I said referring to the soup she just finished preparing.

"Yes ma, Thank you ma." She said respectfully, I smiled at her and dropped the nylon on the counter, she would know what to do to the fruit.

"Good evening Sir." I greeted dad as I got back to the parlour where he had just settled down beside mum.

"Kemi. How are you my dear, how's my hotel? I trust you are taking very good care of it." He responded.

"Absolutely Sir, the hotel is doing fine."

"Okay, I hope there's no problem since you are here to see us on a weekday?" My mum asked curiously.

" Humm... I actually needed to speak with the both of you." I said.

"What's wrong my dear." Mom said.

"Guess there's no easy way to say this. I mutter. I'm ..." I trailed off.

"Go on." My mom said as my dad looked at me with an expression that clearly stated that I was dead if I had done anything to stain his good name.

I took a deep breath as I summoned the courage to say "...I'm pregnant."


"Jesus!!!" Was my Dad and Mom automatic response and it was real after then, it felt real as if saying the word had actually made it real.

"I'm pregnant." I muttered over again as Dad looked shell shocked while mum kept muttering " Jesu, Jesu...." under her breathe.

"Ma, sir. Food is ready." Shade said breaking the silence as my Dad stood up and walked away.

"What have you done?" Was the only thing my mum uttered to me as she kept shaking her head.

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