Fun at the Gym (Algee Smith)

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"Aye bae you ready to get work out get ya work out on aye aye" Algee says while dancing in front of the steps. You come down it the stairs with some waters, your phone and headphones and you carry a frisbee. You sit at the end of the stairs and put it all in your bag. "Why do you have a frisbee with you" Aglee says confused. "Because they have a field right by the Gym and afterwards I wanted to play frisbee with you" You say smiling. "Alright i'll play last time you whopped my but this time will be different" Algee says laughing . Soon you guys are the gym Algee is lifting weights and your running on the treadmill. After about two hours of working out you both decide to go play frisbee outside. You both set you workout bags as the spot for the goal. "Alright same rules as last time whoever can get to the opponent's goal first without getting tagged one time since we did the same distance we'll do that again" Algee says. "Good luck babe " You yell. "Same to you" Algee says as he sets the firsbee dead in the middle of you two. You both stand a good distance not to cheat and run towards the frisbee. You grab it first and spin to dodge Algee from tagging you. Soon you are about a few feet from Algee's bag and you leap and make it before he catches you. "Lucky duck" Algee says laughing. You walk back to where you started and as Algee runs towards the frisbee and gets to it before you. He begins to run towards your bag but you are able to catch him in time. After about an hour you guys are tired "Looks like a tie" You say out of breath. "Next time I am going to win how about we break the tie" Algee says smiling. "By doing what" You say taking a sip of your water. "Racing to the car whoever gets their last has to pay for ice cream" Algee says stretching. "Well then get ready to buy my ice cream" You say laughing. On the count of three you both run to car and you get there first. As you guys are driving to your guys favorite ice cream parlor. You both try to think of what you guys want for dinner.  "We'll I know the pizza we had a couple of days ago was pretty good" Algee says smiling. "Yeah it was what was the name of it again we should get that tonight" You say smiling. "I got some Christmas movies we can watch and we can whip out the singing game we have" Algee says. "It's a date what do you wanna get for dessert" You say looking out the window. "We can make some Christmas cookies" Algee says pulling into the ice cream parlor. You both decide to eat outside since it was a nice day out.  You get your favorite type of ice cream and Algee gets his. "Seems like you really in the Christmas spirit" You say smiling. "Favorite time of the year for me I get to hang out with family, friends and you I get to give awesome presents and sing and just have a great time what do you love about Christmas" Algee says smiling. "Spending time with family and just enjoying the holidays with the people I love" You say smiling. "So you love me" Algee says smiling. "Of course" You say smiling.  Soon you guys head home and get out all your Christmas movies. As your hooking up the game Algee orders the pizza. As you what for the pizza you play your game and dance together. When the pizza finally arrives you watch your favorite Christmas movies and bake cookies. Soon midnight rolls around and Algee comes out the kitchen to see you fast asleep. He carries you to the bed and puts the cover around you. He then lays down next to you and kisses your forehead. "Goodnight y/n" Algee says. "Goodnight Algee you wanna play firsbee tomorrow" You say smiling. "Your gonna lose" Algee says laughing. The next day you actually did lose for the first time in months he won. You laughed as he danced around you and ran around the field. You both hug each other and decide to play again. Even though you guys get competitive at times you love each other with all of your hearts.

                      The End 😁🎄

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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