Class Clown (Woody McClain)

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"Girl you ready for Home Ec" Your bestfriend asked as you two walked down the hall to class. "I guess so as long as-" "Woody doesn't crack any jokes you always say that y/n he's really a cool guy if you get to know him I sit next to him in math and he is really good at it just give him a chance" Your best friend says. "Why should I all he does is crack jokes and interrupts the teacher making her repeat herself and it's annoying because-" "Because you just are annoyed by him but you think he's cute just admit it y/n" Your best friend says laughing. "Haha very funny he's just nice looking" You say avoiding eye contact. "Sure y/n whatever you say" your best friend. As you two take your seats the bell rings the teacher begins class "Ok class we are baking today cookies they can be any shape and whatever decorations you want but I'll be choosing your partners though" The Teacher says. Everyone groans " Calm down it's not that bad" The teacher says laughing. As she began picking partners you noticed woody wasn't there yet then you realized what was about to happen the worst thing possible "y/n you'll be with woody he is running a little late but he'll be here soon " The teacher said. You nodded your head and went on to your cooking station. As soon as you start mixing the ingredients for the cookies Woody walks in with a pass and hands it to the teacher and walks over to your cooking station . "Hey Chef y/n so what are we cooking today" Woody says smiling. "We're making cookies" You say laughing. As you guys continued to make cookies you realized that Woody wasn't bad at all "Maybe I was just overreacting" You say out loud by accident. "Overreacting about what" Woody asked. "Nothing I just fine I thought you where just some other class clown but your not your actually nice" You say smiling. "Well if you actually didn't observe you would have realize that you wanna go out sometime" Woody says smiling. "I uh-" you where interrupted by the timer going off. "I'll get them" Woody said. "You want to go on a date with me" You say smiling. "Yeah I've always liked you since the first day of Home Ec but you never laughed at my jokes or smiled so I thought you didn't like me or the class" Woody says. "I am sorry I made you feel that way Woody" You say as you give him a hug. "Thanks so about-" "Yes" You say smiling. You guys got an A on the project and your besfriend was finally happy that you gave Woody a chance. He took you to a comedy club for your date you guys had a great time. I guess the class clown wasn't so bad after all.

                    The End 😁

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