Anniversary (Elijah Kelly)

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"This popcorn is good babe there isn't going to be any left" You say laughing. "There better be what movie is on" Elijah says jumping on the couch. "Its a good one" You say grinning. "It some cute guys in it" You say smiling. "Are you watching hairspray because it has Zac Efron in it" Elijah says laughing. "Because your in it Zac is just a bonus" You say smiling. "I still got it" Elijah says smiling. "Whatever" You say smiling. Soon run and tell that comes on and Elijah starts singing and doing the dance moves . He grabs you from the couch and twirls you around. You bust out laughing soon the movie is almost over and you guys do the closing number and flop on the couch out of breath. "Ok babe get your purse we're going out tonight" Elijah says smiling and heads towards the door. "But movie night ok this better be good" You say grabbing your purse. Soon your guys are in the car. "Ok were are we heading I'll tell you the first two surprises we're going bowling and dinner we'll only stay at both for an hour then the big surprise. "Oh that reminds me here" You say smiling. "Oh babe you got me the wallet and watch oh and it has our initials on both" Elijah says smiling.  "Happy anniversary babe" You say smiling. "I am still not telling you what you got" Elijah says laughing. "I should have stayed home" You say laughing. "Yeah right you would have sat there on our anniversary and watch movies all night" Elijah says laughing. " "No this is more fun you going down bowling is my realm" You say smiling. "Yeah yeah I am y/n and bowling is my realm" Elijah says mocking you.  "Whatever your head is as big as bowling ball" You say laughing. "I am hurt" Elijah says fake crying. You roll your eyes soon you guys guys pull into the bowling alley. "Ready to lose babe" You say smiling as you walk up to the door. Elijah gets out the car still fake crying "I just can't-" "Oh quit it Elijah" You say laughing and hit him on the arm. He laughs and opens the door for you. You guys start the game "Get ready to lose bowling ball head" You say laughing and roll the ball. You knock down 8 pins "That's alright" You say nodding. "I thought you said I was going to lose" Elijah says laughing.  "8 pins isn't bad I was 2 away from a strike" You say smiling. "Watch ya boy get a strike" Elijah says smiling. He then rolls the ball and gets at strike. "Boom in ya face" Elijah says smiling.  You roll eyes and laugh soon the game was over Elijah won 271 to 270. As you guys are heading to eat dinner you shake your head in awe. "How did you beat my by a point" You say smiling. "Well it was because I got 4 strikes while you only got what was it it was one strike" Elijah says laughing. Soon you guys arrive at your favorite restaurant. "Omg babe this my fav restaurant" You say hugging him. As you guys are enjoying dinner Elijah checks the time. "Are we going to be late to the suprise" You say smiling. "We'll make it" Elijah says smiling. Soon after eating you guys head downtown. "Oh this going to be fun" You say smiling.  "It sure is" Elijah says smiling. Soon you guys are on the roof of the biggest building. There's a stage with a mic and right in front of the stage was a chair and a table with candles and chocolate and two more chairs. "Aw babe this beautiful is that Lindor chocolate" You say grinning. "Yep take a seat" Elijah says. He gets on stage and starts singing as he sings you look at the table and there are pictures of you guys and in the distance you see fireworks that have your initials and faces and other cool shapes and colors. You then look back at Elijah and smile. "He did all this for me and I gave him a watch and wallet" You say laughing. You suddenly felt bad. When Elijah was done singing you cheered he ran over to you and hugged you. "What's wrong babe" Elijah says looking concerned. "I feel bad all I got you was a watch and wallet and you did all this" You say sadly. "Babe I love my watch and wallet and this was for both us I went all out for you to enjoy and I enjoyed today too tonight seeing your smile and see that everything went well and just being here with you" Elijah says smiling. You give him a hug. "Plus they both have our inital on them so it's not just some basic wallet and watch" Elijah says laughing. You laugh too and it made you feel better you both end the night with a kiss as the final firework popped. He then ended the night by giving a beautiful necklace.

It was the best anniversary ever. 😁

                The End 😁

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