Date Night (Bryshere Grey)

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"It's about to be lit because me and my man going on date night" You sing. "Yeahhh" Bryshere sings. You both bust out laughing. "You can't sing to save your life Bryshere" You say laughing. "I can rap and sing y/n don't hate" Bryshere says with a smile. "Ready to go" Bryshere asks with the car keys in his hands. "Yep you come down stairs wearing a very cute outfit. "Boom" You say posing. "Look at my baby all dressed up" Bryshere says fake crying. "Thank you babe you look nice too" You say and head out the door Bryshere followed. "So where are going" You ask. "Dinner,Bowling then we gonna turn up at club" Bryshere says dancing. Soon you two arrive at Applebees. "What would you two like to drink" The waiter says staring at Bryshere. You could tell she thought he was cute. "I'll take a coke what about you" Bryshere says looking at you he could tell something was wrong. "I'll take a lemonade" You say with a smile. "Ok I'll be right back" She says and winks at Bryshere. You bust out laughing "It's about to go down Bryshere" You say tapping your foot. "Y/n calm down everything is-" "Don't say everything is alright that girl just winked at you like I am not sitting right here she don't want it Bryshere she don't want it" You whisper so you don't yell. "Babe calm down there is only one way to find out if she likes me" Bryshere says with his signature smile making you laugh. "Don't even do Bryshere this ain't funny" You say laughing. "It sounds funny to me" Bryshere says laughing.  "I outta slap you" You say laughing. "I outta slap you" Bryshere says mocking you. You two bust out laughing. Soon the waiter comes back and hands you guys your drinks as she goes in her apron to the straws. Bryshere winks at you and you roll you eyes you knew exactly what he was about to do. "So how long have been working here love" Bryshere asks as he takes a sip of his coke. "2 years" She says smiling. "Awesome" He says flashing his signature smile. She blushes "So what would you two like to eat she says looking at Bryshere  again. You tap your foot again "Here we go again" You say to yourself. "Babe you order first" Bryshere says smiling. You smile back "I'll take a a cheeseburger and fries" You say smiling. "Yeah whatever" She says and writes it down. "And what would you like" She says with a smile. "I'll have a cheeseburger and fries too" Bryshere says. She writes it down and walks away. "Alright after this we'll get the check ok" Bryshere says. Soon the food arrives and she goes to serve another table. "Your gonna down at bowling" Bryshere says smiling. "Brother I have been bowling for years you ain't gonna beat me I am good on the Wii and-" "In real life " Bryshere says mocking you again.
You both laugh soon guys get the check and head to bowling alley. "Hey Keisha what's wrong" Tasha asked her coworker. "The table that just left is what's wrong that boy is cute but was with her but he flirted with me he's gonna be mine" Keisha says angrily. "Well were you flirting with him" Tasha asks. "Yeah" Keisha says rolling her eyes. "No wonder why he flirted back he probably was just messing with you get back to work" Tasha says.  "Yeah yeah Keisha says. Once Tasha walks away. Keisha leaves the restaurant and gets in her car. "He's gonna be mine" Keisha says and starts her car up.

~Time lapse to the bowling alley~
"Another strike boom in ya face Bryshere who can't bowl Bryshere can't" You say dancing. Bryshere picks you up twirls you around and sets you back down. "Club time" Bryshere says smiling. "Ah ah ah you still have more shot its 300 to 298 one strike you win" You say smiling. "Fine but don't get my head" Bryshere says. "I won't" You say smiling. As Bryshere grabs the bowling ball you start to get in his head. "Don't mess up the you could finally beat me one false move and it's over" You say smiling. Bryshere rolls the ball and gets a strike. "Well well" Bryshere says looking up at the scoreboard 318 to 300 "mhm mhm the shame looks like the bowling queen has fallen oh she must be crush" Bryshere says laughing. "I am not I am proud of you but wait till next time" You say smiling. "Somebody's mad" Bryshere says smiling. "Whatever" You say. As you two get in the car little do you Keisha is following you. As you two are driving Bryshere notices something. "Uh babe a car is following us they have been following since the bowling alley" Bryshere says.  "Alright we gotta lose em take a left turn I know a short cut to the club" You say. Soon you guys lose Keisha and are dancing. As your guys are dancing Keisha is watching you guys. Babe I'll be back I am gotta go to the Bathroom" You say. "Ok I'll be sitting at this table" Bryshere says. You nod and head towards the bathroom. "Time to make my move"Keisha says and heads over to Bryshere. "Hi" Keisha says with a smile. "Uh hi aren't you the waiter from Applebees" Bryshere says. "Yep that's me" Keisha says and grabs Bryshere's hand. Bryshere pulls his hand out of her tight grip. "Uh sorry sweetheart I can't do that I am here with my girl" Bryshere says and stands up. "I thought she was your sister" Keisha says angrily. "Oh you must have heard her say Brother she says that when she gets competitive" Bryshere says smiling. "You guys aren't friends" Keisha says angrily. "Nope we always laugh like that" Bryshere says.  "Then why are you flirting with me" Keisha says.  "Oh well y/n assumed you thought I was cute so I decided to flirt back I am sorry if you took it the wrong way I truly apologize" Bryshere says. "But I do like you your cute" Keisha says smiling. "Well I am sorry but I am with Y/n so your gonna have to push those feelings aside" Bryshere says. "Oh but I won't" Keisha hits a pressure point near neck Bryshere knocking him unconscious. She then begins to drag him out of the club. Luckily you saw her "I knew she was crazy" You say running to the car. Keisha didn't know you were following her you followed her all the way to her apartment. "Stop right there put him down" You yell as your run up to her. "Excuse me but he's my man now" Keisha says angrily. "Listen  lady I don't know what's wrong with you but I am need you to let my man go before- You both look to see Bryshere waking up. He runs over to you and police sirens flash from down the street. "You called the cops on me" Keisha says angrily. "Yeah" You say smiling. "Thank you for calling ma'am we'll handle this" The officer says.

~Time lapse~
"Thanks for saving me" Bryshere says kissing on the cheek. "No problem you shouldn't have flirted with her though" You say. "That's true I didn't know she became somewhat obsessed I guess that's what happens when your this handsome" Bryshere says smiling. You punch him the arm "Always cracking jokes it was a good date night though" You say smiling.  "It was I beat you bowling" Bryshere says smiling. "Which reminds me" You say smiling. You grab the remote and change it to the HDMI 2 and turn on the Wii. "Nooo" Bryshere says smiling.  "Yep your about to lose to bowling on the wii" You say laughing. "I am not playing" Bryshere says laughing. "Yes you are" You say smiling . "I don't need to you just wanna get even I already beat you babe I don't want a do it" Bryshere says smiling. "That's not fair" You say pouting. "It is" Bryshere says laughing. A few minutes go by and you still pouting. "Alright y/n fix your face or I'll tickle you which one do you want" Bryshere says looking at you. You still pout he tickles you until you can't breath. Soon you guys go to bed.

~Time lapse~
In the middle of the night there's a knock on the door. Bryshere looks over and your knocked out. "I'll get it" Bryshere says. He opens the door "Hi Bryshere I told you you'll be mine" Keisha says laughing evily. "Bryshere Bryshere Bryshere" You yell. "Ahhhh" Bryshere jumps up. "You scared me babe" Bryshere says. "What's wrong your sweating and everything" You say  worried. Bryshere fills you in on everything. "Babe it was all a dream now come on it's date night and I promise we won't go to Applebees" You say smiling. "Promise" Bryshere says doing a puppy dog face. "Promise plus I wouldn't let some girl named Keisha get my man I woulda have whopped her tail in Applebees" You laughing. You guys go on your date and have a blast.

                      The End 😁

   P.S I hope you enjoyed this one 😁

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