21 | Distraction

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The chatter of the students grouped around the courtyard sounded muffled by the time the sound waves reached my ears. My body weight leaned against one of the poles that held up the 'Beacon Hills High School'  sign above my head while my tired eyes aimlessly wandered over the groups of teenagers surrounding my still figure.

Despite the calm exterior I expertly casted upon my face and body language, my inner thoughts ran wild inside of my skull with pure terror of what could happen if Donovan's body was taken or if he escaped on his own. Either way, there was a fifty-fifty possibility of the truth leaking from someone's lips that would inevitably reach my friends' ears and Sheriff Stilinski.

My duty was to protect my friends and— at this particular moment— my sole focus was to keep Stiles from every possible outcome of this situation. I had to be prepared for the unknown.

"Stop doing that, Clara."

The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up at the light, familiar voice that broke through the muffled voices surrounding me. My entire body felt as if it turned to stone, even down to the blood running through my veins. My eyes stared straight ahead as I realized the voice came from behind me, tears brimmed in my eyes.

I nervously swallowed the growing lump in my throat as I hesitantly shuffled around in half a circle until I faced the person behind me. A startled gasp was pulled between my teeth and my heart loudly hammered against my sternum. "Allison?" I breathed with wide eyes, struck with disbelief and awe at the sight of my sister.

Allison softly smiled in response.

She wore the same outfit the night of her death, except there was zero trace of blood— let alone a hole from the katana— in the material.

I sharply inhaled through my nose, overwhelmed with emotions I hadn't felt since after her death and utter disbelief. My chin quivered with the mix of emotions as I fought to control my breathing before I painfully bit down on my bottom lip to cease the movement.

Nothing made sense about this. Allison being here, alive in Beacon Hills, wasn't possible in the slightest. I watched her die. I watched her take her last breaths in Scott's arms.

My legs carried me closer to her figure, mystified by how none of the other students in the courtyard even glanced in her direction. How did they not notice Allison Argent alive and breathing right in front of their eyes?

"How—" My voice shakily wavered as I drew in another deep breath through my nose. I lightly shook my head in utter bewilderment, trying to find a way to understand the situation. "How are you here right now?"

Allison shrugged her shoulders and smiled through misty eyes. "Does it really matter?" She asked in a soft tone.

Her choice to answer my question with another question left me speechless. Words jumbled together in my mind, unable to form a proper sentence.

"Um, kind of," I forced the words out of my mouth in a breathy whisper. I gestured to her body, amazed at the lack of injuries on her upper torso. "I-I mean, you're dead, Allison. I watched you die in Scott's arms. This—" I held my hands out toward her body. "This shouldn't be possible."

She opened her mouth to respond until a male student raced across the courtyard, backpack slapping against his back with every large step he took. He weaved his way around several students until he ran in a straight line for the main building. A pathway that led him directly through Allison's body as if she wasn't even in his line of sight in the first place.

My heart plummeted to my stomach at the sight. I watched the guy continue to run toward the school, unbothered by all of it. My head swiveled on my neck as I gawked at Allison's body only a couple feet ahead of me.

Embracing The Shadows (Shadow Series #5)Where stories live. Discover now