24 - Cry For Help

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The bottom of the plastic container tapped against the white counter after the male orderly set the object down. His dark, beady eyes intently stared straight ahead at our group with a distant look held deep within his eyes. The words "Patient Registration" hung above the counter and glass window pushed to the side.

"Please empty your pockets into the container," he spoke in a monotonous voice.

Scott partially leaned his upper torso closer to the opened window. "We're here to see—"

"Please empty your pockets into the container," the man interjected in the same tone.

Scott pulled himself back from the counter with his head twisted around to share a quick look with the rest of us surrounding him. Stiles nodded his head when he met his best friend's gaze and began to empty his own pockets as instructed.

My own gaze casually flicked to Scott, painfully aware of the added weight of the daggers and throwing stars safely tucked in the hidden lining of my leather jacket, items I had no intention of placing inside the container. He reached for his wallet in his front pocket of his jeans and half nodded at me, confirming my refusal to give up my weapons.

The entire group knew I would rather take the risk of being caught with my weapons than willing hand them over now.

Various items clattered into the plastic bin as my friends emptied their pockets. I glimpsed at Isaac beside me in my peripheral vision when I dropped my phone, chapstick, and a few crumpled five dollar bills on top of their personal things.

Lydia pursed her lips when she removed the strap of her bag from her shoulder and placed it against the side of the container. The man's attention shifted to Kira, who stood centered of the group, after she dropped a couple items inside.

"Please remove your belt and place it into the container," he instructed.

A pale tone washed over Kira's facial features at his direct instructions. Her mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to do.

"I kind of need the belt," she responded, uneasily. A look of panic flashed across her face as she glanced from the employee to Scott. "I-I mean, it's crucial to the outfit."

The orderly blankly stared at her.

"Please remove your belt which patients will attempt to take from you and use to strangle either themselves or others."

Kira's face fell.

"Just do it," Isaac sighed, irritated by the slight hold up. "It's ugly anyways."

My eyes widened at his bold statement. "Isaac," I lowly hissed.

The corner of his lips lifted upward in an amused smile when the rest of the pack slyly shot him dirty looks for his unnecessary comment. The metal of her belt clanged together as her hands worked to remove it from her waist.

"Right, got it," she murmured.

A strange sensation simmered within the pit of my stomach when I noticed the orderly's gaze never wavered from the group. His eyes lingered over each of us until they settled on Lydia, who partially stood in front of Isaac and me.

There was something uneasy about the man's aura that sent a strong chill down my spine and gradually grew more apprehensive at the way he seemed utterly entranced by my best friend.

My fingers instinctively twitched down by my sides before I gently grabbed Lydia's forearm in my grasp and stepped around her body, purposely positioned myself directly in front of her, protectively. I folded my arms over my chest and matched his powerful gaze in an intimidating manner.

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