04 - Web of Lies

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"-- skating in a neighbor's empty pool, trying to do a handplant. Nobody was home." Theo paused to chuckle halfheartedly. His eyes flickered around the boy's locker room, lingering for a split second on each of us.

From my peripheral vision, Stiles and Isaac shared a look before they turned to me. The three of us didn't trust Theo at all. Scott was the only one that was really willing to give him a chance, aside from everyone else because they didn't get a bad vibe from him, like we did.

Isaac knew I didn't trust him and he always knew that my judgment on people was correct, especially with being a Protector. My senses were heightened and I knew Theo was hiding something. Stiles didn't trust him either. No one else believed us, but we would find out what Theo was hiding together.

"I'm not that good of a skateboarder, but I guess I was feeling pretty determined because I completely lost track of time. I didn't even realize that it was night until the yard lights came on." Theo continued with his story.

"We don't care about your skateboarding talents." Isaac muttered lowly under his breath. He may had forgotten that four out of five of us had heightened hearing, but I knew he didn't care if anyone heard.

Theo stared at Isaac, surprised by his muttering. He awkwardly cleared his throat before he said, "Like I said, I wasn't very good. On my last try, I went down and hit hard, really hard. I was sitting there at the bottom on the pool and realized something. I never heard the board come back down." He looked to Scott. "It came at me fast. I barely had a chance to turn around before it bit me."

I raised a brow as he told his story. The story was long and he seemed to roping Scott into feeling bad for him. Scott was one of my best friends. Over the years, I've noticed that he could be a little too trusting at times. I was fearing that this was going to be one of those times.

Theo pointed to his lower abdomen on the right. "Right here."

"It wasn't an accident," Scott replied with a look of sympathy. "He wanted to turn you."

"Right, so," Stiles went straight to the main question instead of feeling bad for the other teen wolf in the boys' locker room. "Why aren't you part of his pack then? Why didn't he come back for you?"

Isaac dropped his voice to a low whisper, one that I could only hear and brushed his lips against my ear as he mumbled, "Probably didn't want him."

Amusement lit up in my eyes and I pressed my lips together to keep the chuckle from escaping. My eyes instantly hardened back up and I matched my arms to Stiles, folding them over my chest.

Theo glanced over to the three of us near another set of lockers. "Because by the time of my first full moon, he was dead."

"And how do you know that?" I pressed on. Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been the one to kill him.

"I met another one of his pack a couple weeks later." Theo answered me. "He told me the Alpha that bit me was killed by two of his own Betas. They were twins."

As soon as the last words left his mouth, Scott and Stiles shared a look, knowing he was talking about Ethan and Aiden. The only problem with Theo's story was that the twins killed everyone in their pack. How could Theo have met someone else from that pack?

I pushed off of the locker beside Stiles and walked closer to where Scott and Theo stood. "I'm sorry." I pressed my hands together. "Could you repeat that for me? You said that you met another of of his pack a couple of weeks later?"

"Yeah," Theo nodded.

I hummed in response before adding, "That's funny because the Twins actually killed everyone in their pack after they killed the Alpha." My head cocked to the right and my eyes narrowed at him, knowing I caught him in a lie. "So, how did you talk to this person? Are you a ghost whisperer, along with your other many talents, like being a liar?"

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