05 - Signatures

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"Thanks again!" I smiled at the teacher's assistant behind the counter in the office. I watched as Stiles darted to the far left, slyly sneaking out from behind the counter with the papers clenched in his hands.

The guy half waved his hand in the air as I walked away from the counter, casually falling into place beside Stiles. The teacher's assistant had no idea I had been distracting him while Stiles snuck around to search through Theo's folder.

I bumped my shoulder into Stiles, quietly laughing at how well our plan worked. "That was almost too easy. I was hoping for more of a challenge, to be honest."

Stiles glanced over his shoulder to make sure no one figured out what we did. "Yeah, now, we just have to show Scott. This is proof that something is not right about Theo." He shook the papers in the air, emphasizing his point.

"Well, you know how Scott gets." I shrugged my shoulders.

We walked through the doors of the school and followed the sidewalk to the library. Stiles used his key card to make the light turn green and gave us access to the library. I grabbed the handle, letting Stiles storm inside first. The two of us formed an alliance to get the rest of the pack to understand that Theo was not a good person to trust. Although, Stiles and I already had an alliance since we first met, but we thought it was funny and sounded like we were in action, spy movie.

Our friends were immediately spotted at the first table on the right side of the library. Stiles and I sped forward, ready to show the rest of the pack what we found out. Isaac lifted his head up from a notebook when he heard our footsteps. A smile spread across his lips and he locked eyes with me. We agreed not to date yet because of everything I had been through, but that didn't stop the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach when I saw him smiling at me.

Scott looked up when Stiles slammed the two pieces of paper on the table. His eyebrow raised as he looked down at the papers. "So, you found something?" He glanced between the two of us, waiting to hear what we had to say.

"Another signature." Stiles pointed to the signature on the first copy. "This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago."

I gestured to the other paper with the second signature, the paper Stiles made a copy of about five minutes ago. "And this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago."

Isaac leaned forward and examined the signatures more. His arm slid around the back of his chair as he shifted in his seat, fingertips barely brushing against my hip over my shirt.

Scott's brows furrowed when he asked, "How did you get his transfer form?"

My lips pressed together at his question, and I swiveled my head to the left, glimpsing at Stiles, curious to know how we planned on explaining this. Stiles met my gaze and scratched the back of his head, squinting his eyes slightly. Technically, how we got the transfer form wasn't exactly an okay thing to do.

Scott's chocolate brown eyes grew wide as he glanced back and forth between the two of us, realizing what we did by the looks we were giving each other. "You two didn't break into the Administration Office..."

"No, we did not break into the Administration Office." Stiles instantly defended us. His head bobbed to the side and he corrected himself, "Okay, I might have broken into the Administration Office while Clara distracted the teacher's assistant by flirting with him."

Isaac tilted his head to side. Of course, he would get a little jealous of me harmlessly flirting with some guy. To be honest, I enjoyed it far too much when Isaac would get jealous. Sometimes, it was just nice to know that he cared so much.

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