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Gil pukes as soon as they arrive, Uma is pretty used to it but still sways a little bit

"Please never do that again" Gil says after wiping his mouth Victoria laughs and slaps his shoulder with affection

"Don't be a baby" she smiles, there's a loud roar and Uma starts running they follow right behind her

"Uma did you alert Daniel?" Victoria asks as they run

"I didn't have time before I told you Audrey took Celia" Uma says pushing herself as fast as her legs can take her

"Okay" Victoria nods and they catch up to Audrey and Mal. Mal is full on dragon mode and Audrey is shooting at her with the staff, Mal is doing everything in her power to evade the blasts but she knows it's only a matter of time before she gets hit. Celia is clutching the edge of the tower with her bound hands, her mouth is covered but when she sees Uma, Victoria and Gill she tries to yell something to them, maybe warn them about something.

Audrey sees them too and shoots at them, Victoria holds her hands up and a giant wooden shield appears before them, it takes the impact of spell but lines appear on the wood

"It won't take much more" Victoria frowns, sweat starting to run down her back from the effort and the running.

"Find Mal and light the ember" Gil tells Uma "I'll get Celia"

"And I'll cover you" Victoria tells Uma who nods and runs for Mal who is still circling the tower, Victoria runs beside her ready to lift the shield should they need it but Audrey is much more preoccupied with Mal at the moment. She's shooting fire balls at her left and right but since she's not aiming to kill, Audrey blocks them quite well.

"Mal!" Uma yells at her "the ember!" Mal turns and in that split second Audrey hits her in the chest with a green ray. Mal tumbles down and barely avoids crashing into the ground. She transforms back into her human form and starts to stand. Uma and Victoria reach her and Victoria pulls up the shield as Audrey attacks them without mercy.

"We have to light the ember it's the only way to stop Audrey" Uma says handing the ember to Mal who closes her hand over it

"I don't know how" Mal says

"It's in your blood Mal" Victoria grunts as she struggles to maintain the shield but the cracks have grown and pieces are starting to fall off "you two were born with magic in your veins, if you combine your powers you'll light the ember"

"You trust me?" Mal asks Uma who rolls her eyes

"It's not about trust you idiot" she scoffs "we don't have time for that, but I guess I do" Mal smiles at her and Uma gives her the smallest smile ever

"Guys" Victoria grunts, kneeling in the dirt, her hands shaking "hurry" Victoria puts all of her effort and concentration on the shield in front of her, Jeremy appears beside her and lends her his strength, the shield glows

"We got it!" Mal cries and Victoria takes a deep breath

"You get one shot!" she yells back at them "ready?!" she can't see them nod but assumes they do, Jeremy nods at his queen and Victoria grunts as she throws the shield at Audrey, it knocks the staff out of her hand and dazes her for a second

"Now!" Victoria yells and Uma and Mal shoot a blue ray from the ember which hits Audrey square in the chest. She's too close to the edge and as she falls unconscious she also falls off the tower

"Well I'm not catching her" Victoria pants and Mal rushes forward, someone beats her to it and they sprawl onto the ground. Mal walks over to them cautiously and pulls Audrey from the stranger quickly

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