He entered the practice room to a synchronized "Hello!" from a group of 5 boys who were stretching on the floor. 

Before he could respond with his apologies for being late, a mop of black teal tipped fuzzy hair that was parted in the middle ruffled in his vision.

 The owner of the curls had his hands placed on his hips, a seemingly stern look on his face to match his body language. 

San felt like he should normally be intimidated but the grumpy face of the taller male threw off the image. He had doe eyes and his pouted lips were pushed out in an adorable way, making it hard for him to look angry. 

"OH, welcome! Nice of you to join us," Mingi chided. 

"I know, I know I am late. I am really sorry, I got caught up with Yeo," the shorter male begin batting his eyelashes to soothe his friend's temper.

"These kids have a schedule they need to adhere to, I don't need angry managers calling me about them not getting the practice they were promised." Mingi continued.

The 'anger' in his eyes was already fading as he looked down at San, knowing he could never really be mad at him. Or anyone for that matter because he just was that softhearted of a guy. 

A similarly tall male with squishy cheeks and a beagle-like aura peeked over the other's shoulder from behind. 

The same blueish green tint that colored the ends of the hair framing Mingi's face took over the entirety of his locks, not leaving a single trace of natural hair color. They liked to match their hair colors as a signature look for the pair. 

Crumbs from the chocolate cream bread he was eating coated his lips. Cheeks rounded like a squirrel, he chewed only enough to mumble, "You know it's totally fine San. Mingi here actually lasted a lot longer with his angry act than I thought he would." 

He took another chomp.

The other boy spun around, shocked at having been revealed, "You weren't supposed to tell him that! And what have I told you about eating pastries in the practice room!"

Yunho swatted the approaching hand from taking his bread, guarding it.

"All I am saying is," Min continued, looking in the opposite direction he spoke, as he fought against the other boys' long arms to grab the sweet, "if you are going to use us to lie to your dad about your whereabouts, you should at least come when we need you. That's what we are paying you for."

San was in fits of laughter watching as the two entangled their limbs over the food item, Yunho weaving the piece through grabbing hands to get it to his over-filled mouth. 

San nodded his head, agreeing that the two were right and promising to be more diligent.

He paused, face going blank, "Hey wait, you don't pay me!"

The sugary evidence was gone now and the duo collected themselves, straightening out their matching sweatsuits. 

"Not with that attitude," They both laughed out at the same time.

San rolled his eyes, amused and scooted the two out of his class, finally starting the lesson.


Wooyoung sat on the floor of Jongho's living room eating cereal out of a giant bowl with a ridiculously large spoon you would use for serving.

The box was sitting at his side, ready for the refill as he flicked through the channels of the television. 

The volume was barely audible as he and Seonghwa were making comments and talking about the clothes, hairstyles and food flashing on the screen.

They were bored.

After packing all of his belongings in his car when he left, he was kind of unsure where to go. The only thing he wanted to do was punch someone and he had so graciously been on his way to make that happen when Jong called wanting food.

In all honesty, he probably saved him from a dumb decision and a night in the infirmary. 

There was absolutely zero hesitation from Jongho when he offered for him to come live at his apartment, hearing what happened.

Wooyoung hadn't really had a care for where he was going to go next, but he couldn't justify turning down the offer because he liked being around him. They had already seen each other almost everyday anyway.

So here he was, sitting on a white furry carpet that lie under the coffee table he was using to hold his bowl. 

The top three floors of the high rise apartment overlooking the city were exclusive to Jongho and his training.

It was provided by his official management who sponsored his fighting career. With floors 21 and 22 being practice areas, 23 was a spacious condo that had been decorated for him with a modern design.

Woo often times felt a bit out of place in the luxury of it all but was grateful to his friends for caring about him. 

That emotion was seldom shown by others.

Seonghwa lay on the couch behind him, like a sparkling jewel propped in a display case. A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he picked up his phone and read the message he had just received. 

"Damn," he muttered.

Wooyoung didn't look back but took the bait and replied, "What's wrong?"

"My dad has a meeting tomorrow and needs me to go check out some guy's audition for the new lounge artist."

He straightened his body like a log and rolled over the edge of the couch onto Woo, who began protesting.

"Come with meeeeee, pleaaseeeeee."

Short breaths squeezed out of his lungs as he was folded like a taco by the heavy boy. 

"Take Hongjoong," he wheezed. "Tomorrow.... is my first day ....working anyway.... so I will already... be there."

The pressure alleviated as Hwa toppled on to the floor and rolled on his back.

Woo gasped for oxygen, begging air to fill his lungs.

"Oh, well that's perfect then!" The older flashed a sweet smile, only to get a flying pillow in return.

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