Chap 12 - Olympus, An Ashamed Sea God and The Traitor Revealed

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Zeus turned to her, an odd look in his eyes, "Daughter? Why do you say this?"

Athena smirked, "We all saw the quest, the boy is no threat. He faints at the very thought of a monster! At the very least, he makes for wonderful entertainment."

Nick looked back into Athena's laughing eyes, terror in his.


I watched from the shadows, trying not to laugh, lest I give away my position. It's kind of difficult, considering the factors involved. Nick's face was the color of the tomatoes in Demeter's garden, with traces of pure rage considering Athena's words.

Zeus sniffed, "Very well, he shall be left to live! Now, I must wash the mortal taint from my bolt, council dismissed." The Olympians each flashed away in turn, leaving Poseidon as the last. 

Nick's meek voice could be heard, "Father, if it's not too much trouble, may you please transport Annabeth and myself to camp?"

Poseidon sighed, "After what I have seen on your quest? Nick, you are my son, but you have disgraced the sea." At each word, Nick seemed to crumble. Poseidon continued, "Do not embarrass me further, Nicholas. Prove you are, indeed, a child of the sea."

Nick only managed a weak nod of recognition. Poseidon flicked his wrist, causing the two demigods before him to turn to sea mist. Poseidon then flashed himself away with a defeated look.

Honestly, this has to be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Nick's been embarrassed in front of the girl he likes, Poseidon's disappointed in him, what else could be better? I shook my head to clear my thoughts, before teleporting myself to camp.

I was greeted with the sight of Nick stomping loudly to cabin 3. Annabeth stood to the side, looking uncomfortable. Upon seeing me, she smiled, and walked over.

I nodded to her, "Hey, Annabeth. How did it go in the throne room?" 

She laughed, finding it as funny as I did, "Nick got his ego cut down, a lot. Poseidon said Nick was a disgrace to the sea, and that he needs to do better." She paused, before changing the topic, "And guess what my Mom said! She said that Nick would have been dead without us! That's practically a compliment, right?"

I rolled my eyes, "You know the gods are bad when you have to ask if something is a compliment."

She stiffened, "Just because you have a good relationship with your father doesn't mean we all do."

I nodded, "I'm sorr-"

I was cut off by Luke's quick interruption, "Percy! It's the tree, Thalia's tree! It jus-" I didn't stay to hear the rest, and instead bolted to Thalia.

I gasped at the sight. The tree was wilting, each leaf turning to an ugly shade of gray, before floating peacefully to the ground. I closed my eyes, refusing to look. "Father, please. I need your help." I prayed, silently. 

It had been barely a second before a portal opened beside me, revealing the intimidating figure of my Father. "What is it?" Concern was etched into his voice.

"Father, please, save her." I begged, everything but saving Thalia forgotten.

He nodded, and touched the base of the tree. Quickly, the roots pushed to the sides, revealing Thalia beneath them. I dragged her from the small hole, and put my head to her heart. I breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing her heart beating.

I turned to our healers expectantly, "Can you..?" The question went unheard as they picked up Thalia's limp form.

Will smiled, "Say no more, we've got this covered."

I then turned to my Father, "What happened? Why did the tree get poisoned now?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry I didn't say this sooner, but the Fates are...speeding things up a bit. I this quest, you were to retrieve the bolt, and Thalia was to be poisoned."

I nodded in understanding, "I'm just glad Thalia wasn't hurt." He nodded in agreement. I then remembered something, "Well, guess I'm gonna go look for the traitor." 

Luke chimed in, "I'll help, I need to give him a piece of my mind for poisoning Thalia." I gave him a sharp look, before he continued, clearly insulted, "What? I said I was sorry, didn't I?"

I laughed, "I don't know, did you?" He sighed, defeated.

My laughter died in my throat as we approached the Hecate cabin. I scowled at the figure inside, who was busy shoving things into a duffle bag. My eyes burned with fury, "So, the cowardly traitor makes his move, before running in fear. Isn't that right, James?"

He spun around to get a look at his witnesses, to see Luke and I leaning against the doorframe. Luke then stepped forward, drawing his sword, SoulReaper.

James gazed at the sword in fear, "I d-don't know what you're talking about."

"Cut it with the lies." I spat, "I know you poisoned Thalia. Now here you go, to run back to your master, Kronos."

Luke approached James slowly, but he only looked at him ominously, "The reign of the gods is over, it's time for the titan's rise." Luke leapt forward to stab him, but he was already gone.

Hey! I am really sorry this took so long, but I have something important. I really want to know what you all think about Annabeth's character, and what side she will be on. As of the moment, I don't think that a vote would really be possible, as not many of you would vote(I think). I'm only warning you, as later there WILL be a vote on her loyalties.

As for the idea of why she would/wouldn't join Percy, I was thinking:

She does- She thinks of Percy as a really close friend, and hates how Athena ignores her. She wants a proper friendship with her parents and the people around her, and decides Percy is the best person to help her.

She doesn't- She wants Percy to be her friend, but can't drop the thought of what he was going to do to the Olympians. She tries to convince him not to, but he refuses, and she reluctantly sides against him. She remains his friend, until the final battle, where they go opposite ways.

If you have any ideas for how to change either of these, let me know. I'm open to suggestion!

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