Callie: "It was pretty boring today. I really just had to sit and look pretty during a show. I was kinda just there as a selling point in a way? I dunno, all in all, boring day." She found a drink at the back of the fridge and eyed it, before opening it and smelling it to see if it smelled weird, before sipping it. She spit it out almost immediately, making you chuckle.

Y/N: "Is that expired?"

Callie: "I dunno. Sure tastes like it..." 

She tossed the bottle out before smiling.

Callie: "Let's go get some groceries!"

Y/N: "Now? Isn't it kinda late?" 

Callie: "Well, yeah, but I'm hungry and there isn't anything to eat!" You chuckle.

Y/N: "Alright, lemme find some shoes and grab my stuff and we'll get going." 

You stand up, making Callie grin as you slipped on your shoes, grabbed your jacket, wallet, and phone. The two of you head out after you write out a quick note for Marie in case she gets back before the two of you do. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Vashen being sleepy!]

You walked through the store, grabbing snacks and ingredients for pancakes, most of which were Callie's suggestion. 

Callie: "Oooh! This looks good!" Callie held up a snack eagerly, making you weakly chuckle.

Y/N: "We already have that, though..." Callie looked at the box she was holding, before looking at the box that was in the cart.

Callie: "No, the ones we have are made by different people!" She pointed at the logos on the boxes, making you unsure of how to respond. After a moment, you give in, deciding that it'd be fine just this once.

Y/N: "Fine, fine, we'll get that one too." Callie eagerly tosses the box in and skips away in search of more snacks. You awkwardly look at the sheer amount of junk you had in the cart already, making you chuckle nervously. 

Y/N: Can I even afford this much...? 

You followed Callie along, as she hummed to herself, tossing random stuff into the cart.

Callie: "Oooh! Maybe this too...!" Callie walked over with a ton of things in her arms, dumping them all in.

Y/N: "U-Uh... Callie?" 

Callie: "Yeah? What's up?" She looked up casually, as if the cart wasn't overflowing at this point.

Y/N: "I don't think I can afford all of this..." Callie gave you a confused look.

Callie: "Oh, no, I'm paying for it, silly." She giggled a bit, making you awkwardly scratch the back of your head.

Y/N: "Are you su--"

Callie: "Yep! Besides, you got scammed, so you're broke right now, right?" You did a double take, taking a moment to process what she said before responding.

Y/N: "Wait. How did you...?"

Callie: "Ah, Marie told me!"


Callie was sitting in the passenger's side as Marie drove Callie towards her destination. It was quiet in the car, until Marie stopped at a red light. Callie was looking out the window, as Marie had her eyes on the road.

Callie: "Soooo..."

Marie: "Hm? What's up?" Marie didn't look towards Callie, her eyes still on the road, but she was listening.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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