Chapter Thirty-Two: Hostage

Start from the beginning

Draco sighed but nodded, Harry smile and kissed Draco on the cheek before running off to where he thought all of his problems started: where the philosophers stone was held.


"For a room that has nothing in it, they sure kept the security tight." Harry moaned as he finally reached the final door.

Harry reached for the door nob but before he could grab it the door swung open.

Harry cautiously walked into the room and assessed it, hoping that this was where he had taken her. 

There lying in the middle of the room was an unconscious Petunia.

Harry ran over to her, instantly dropping onto his knees at her side. She looked so pale and bruises were scattered over her, her nails bloody as an obvious sign of fighting. 

Harry was beyond furious but all he wanted then was to get her to wake up.

"Mom! Mom! Petunia!" Harry yelled shaking her.

"She won't wake up." A voice said from behind them.

Harry tensed.

"Why's that! What did you do to her!" Harry spat.

"Well that's not what's important what's important is that you're her-" Dumbledore started.

"NO!" Harry yelled, "That is NOT what is important! Whatever malicious plan you've constructed isn't the POINT!" Harry yelled as he turned away from Petunia.

Dumbledore looked shocked but recovered quickly, "Well then, aside from the transfer to here," Dumbledore smirked, "Then only a very powerful sleeping potion, hardly a crime." 

"YOU ABDUCTED HER!" Harry yelled furiously, his eyes flashing black just long enough to frighten the old wizard. 

"Now now Harry where's your proof." Dumbledore smiled happily thinking he had beaten him.

"Well Dumbledick, unless you have forgotten we live in a MAGIC world which means we can MAGICALLY show her memory and PROVE it was YOU." Harry stated bluntly not wanting to talk.

Dumbledore gulped, realizing his mistake, "For such an old wizard you seem to be incredibly dumb." Harry snarled.

"Well, I guess I will just have to kill her then." Dumbledore spat back.

"Do that and I will have nothing holding me back." Harry threatened.

"Oh really, well then Harry you had better start talking." Dumbledore smiled evilly.

"About what." Harry snapped.

"You my boy, I need to know everything about your inheritance and what I need to do to get you onto my side" Dumbledore replied smoothly.

"I thought you found all of that out last time when you brainwashed me." Harry spat.

"Well not all, there were sections of your mind closed off by Goblins that I couldn't reach and you have to tell me those parts willingly so off you go." Dumbledore waved off his question easily.

"Oh, so you want to know the things that even the Malfoys nor my soul mate knows," Harry smirked.

"Well yes," Dumbledore stated cautiously not liking the evil glint to Harry's piercing green eyes.

"Well, Dumbledore," Harry smiled, laced with evil, " As you already know when my eyes turn black, I have immense power," Harry stated and as if on cue Harry's eyes turned black. 

No black wasn't the right word to describe them. Black was Snape's eyes, no Harry's were much darker if that was possible. They seemed to stare right into your soul and pierce you from within. The kind of black that could reflect only your worst nightmares. The type of black that had Dumbledore shaking with fear, as much as he tried to hide it.

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