Let the games begin

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Sooo still at number one!!!!! I am really over the moon!! But I am sorry for the slow updates! Christmas and work has got me so busy but I haven't forgotten you!! This chapter isn't as long, but I hope you enjoy!

Kaminari PoV

After finally dragging myself out of shinsou bed I made my way to my dorm room to get ready for school, as I enter my bathroom I quickly look in the mirror and my eyes widen. Oh shit. Shit shit shit! My body is covered in red bites and I have bright red mark on my ass. I looked over the marks littering my neck down to my collar bone and couldn't help but smile. I know I said we should be friends first but damn...I know he won't make it that easy and honestly I kinda like that.

~time skip to finally in school but still with kaminari~

In home room no one said anything about the marks on my neck but during first and second period but I could feel people staring at me. I turn around slightly to see sero drilling holes into the back of my head, I smile at him slightly and he gives me the biggest knowing smile I have ever seen!

Turning back around to Mr Aizawa but I couldn't force on him, I still had a throbbing pain in my lower back and ass. Although it hurt all it did was remind me of the night before, I felt my head turn slightly and look over at shinsou. He was looking straight towards the head of the class, I just stared at him. Looking over his perfect pale skin, that small upturned nose, remembering how soft and fluffy his messy hair felt then forcing on those eyes. If I had to pick a favourite thing about him it would be his eyes. That deep purple/violet colour they seem endless even with the dark circles underneath, I think makes them even more beautiful.

I felt my face heat up from staring to long at him, I turned back around so he wouldn't see my red face. I finally started forcing on the lesson again then a small piece of paper was put on my table. It had S -> K on the top so I knew it was for me from shinsou, I licked my bottom lip and opened it.

"If you keep staring at me like that it's going to make controlling myself very difficult. Although you have yet to take up my offer on controlling you ;)"

I could hear his deep voice in my head as I read it, my face was burning red as I try to hide the note under my desk. I look over to shinsou and find him completely fine just boredly listen to Mr Aizawa. I bit the inside of my lip and started writing a note back.

"You don't seem to be finding it that difficult, you seem fine to me. Maybe you don't want me as much as you thought ;P oh you still want to control me? What would you even do with me?"

Ok so maybe I could flirt a little bit with him, that can't hurt right. I thought to myself as I carefully placed my note on shin desk. I pretend to be listen to class as I watched shin read my note, I started getting nervous as I watch him smirk and start writing again. He looks around the room before putting the note on my desk. I carefully took the note and started to read it.

"Oh I have a lot of idea on what I would do to you, having you tied down to my bed for me to play with all night long would probably be the first thing. But more importantly you don't think I want you ha just have a close look at me"

I frowned slightly at the message before turning my head slightly to shin to see him leaning back in chair. I couldn't figure out what he meant, I ran my eyes over his face the his body as my eyes got lower I noticed. He's hard. In class. I bite my lip slightly and shin did something I never thought he would do, he place his hand ontop of clothes cock and started palming it while looking at me.

I can feel his eyes all over my body but I couldn't look away as he kept toying with himself infront of me. I could feel my pants getting tighter and tighter as I watched. He looked down to my crotch then bit his own lip, he can see I am hard too.

I started to move my own hand to my crotch but just as I went to touch my now throbbing cock the bell went signalling lunch. I was suddenly knock back to reality by the sound of moving chairs and talking. I was about to stand up when I realised. Shit if I stood up everyone would see that I am hard!

I hadn't realised that shinsou was already standing when I felt something drop on my lap. I look down the see a jumper a really big one. Without second guessing it I put it on and realised it come down to past my crotch, that's when shinsou place a hand on the back of my chair and my desk leaning into my ear whispering "you might want to be friends first and that's fine kami but understand now that I will never only see you as just a friend."

~time skip to in the lunch hall on bakusquad table (with shin, thanks sero!)~

Shinsou PoV

Ok ok ok shit. Maybe I shouldn't have teased him like that but fuck, he needs to see I can't be just friends with him. Sure I will wait till he ready and stay be his side till then but he has to know I will be wanting him the whole time. Ok so maybe I shouldn't of down that in class but god he look so hot sat there in that unifrom, I don't even think he realises how crazy he drives me. I thought to myself while eating what's left of my rice, maybe I could get sero to help? He seems know what's going on and be push kami towards me....but if kami figures it out that could end badly. Not worth the risk.

"Oh guys! It's Friday today so let's have a party for shin to welcome him to the class and be coming an official bakusquad member!!!" Mina shouted excitedly, sero looked at me and smile.

"What the FUCK! Who said you could name it after me!" Bakugo shouted getting slightly pissed

"Sounds like fun" I say ignoring bakugo while smiling back to sero. Mina starts going off about who's room they are going to do it in and zone out thinking about how this can get me closer to kami.

The lunch bell goes, I look at sero and nod my head at him. He seem to get the idea as he stayed a little behind everyone. We start walking behind the rest of the group far enough so they won't hear us.

"What's the plan?" Sero ask. I laugh slightly, yep he knows. I smile at him "I just need you to get Mina to play never have I never with no holding back" he looks at me with one raised eyebrow before returning the smile "oh I can do that, Mina loves that game. Ether that or truth or dare." "Ether will work" I say nodding.

We get to class and Sit down in my sit, now just to get through the rest of the lesson then the games will begin.

Mind games ~ smutWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt