I can't win

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HELLOOOO my eggs 🥚🥚! So here we go again, I haven't written in a while now so don't judge this to much but I hope you enjoy this new chapter and as always let me know what you think 🥚🥚

No one POV~

After spending the night in Shinsou's room, Kami went back to his own dorm at around 10 am the next day. Luckily it was now the weekend and he didn't have to worry about going to class today. The events of the night before were still going around in his head as he laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling.

Kami POV~

OH GOD! OH GOD! Oh GOD! I have a date, an actual date. What do people even do on dates? What do people wear on Dates? Should I bring something for him? Flowers? Chocolate? No, no.... That would be strange right? God help me!
Ok kami you need to calm down, what do we do when we don't know what to do? Call someone else so then it's their problem!

I picked up my phone and I knew there was only one person for the job. The only person I knew that has actually been on a date.

Sent 10:30

Not two minutes later was there on a knock on my door.

Rolling myself off my bed, I stood up straight and opened the door, and there he was, my saving grace.  I threw my arms over his shoulders and yelled. "I have a date. In 1 hour! Help me!"

He patted my back but before he could speak I heard someone else voice. "Oi sparky, get your hands off him." I jumped back not expecting Bakugo to be with him, well I should have guessed really but that's not the real problem right now.

"Deep breath bro, we can find you something to wear and go from there. But next time write more than "help" in a text, Bakugo's not happy that I rushed down here cause I thought you had been stabbed." He joked as he walked into my dorm room. Bakugo sat himself down on my bed and went on his phone as kiri went straight over to the wardrobe, I went over to Kiri to see if he has any ideas. "Now first thing first, what level of date are we talking?" He asked as he started to move my clothing around.

"Hmmm I have no idea but it's going to be our first date if that's any help?" What the hell does Kiri mean by level of date? How can there be levels? Like level 1 hold hands? Or like level one I need to be ready for anything? I look up at Kiri and he pulls out a couple of different options.

"Shitty hair, they have already fucked so no need for the code words." Bakugo stated before going back on his phone. Kiri laughed "ok ok,
Denki how hot do you want to look?"

At that moment I turned bright red and looked between Bakugo and Kiri over and over expecting them to answer for me. "Tsk" Bakugo got up from the bed and walked over Kiri and me. "You're walking around covered in love bites idiot, doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Plus did you forget you told us. Idiot."

After about 10 mins of back and forth on what to wear, we finally decide on an outfit. Black, tight fitting jean shorts with an oversized yellow jumper that's see-through and a wide necked slim fit white t-shirt that hangs off one shoulder with my black choker. It was casual but sexy, well, that's what I was hoping. Looking myself over in the mirror I could see Bakugo and Kiri pleased with themselves with how I looked. I did look good I knew Shin would like being able to see my love bites, I don't mind that others can see them but I am still nervous about the date. My belly feels like I am starving but also wants to throw up.

"Ok, so I look good but now, mmm, what about the actual date? Like, what do I talk about? Should I bring flowers? Maybe chocolate?" I ask not knowing what to expect. "Look bro, trust me, you will find things to talk about, but if you're ever unsure just ask him things about his family or maybe why he wants to be a hero. You can bring flowers if you want, I am sure he would love them but personally, I don't think you need to do any of that, alright bro?" Kiri smiled trying reassure me that everything will be fine when Bakugo did something I never thought he would do "Kiri, let me talk to him alone for a sec"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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