talk/dont talk

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Sooo yeah I am finally updating again ha! Hope you enjoy this one! Let me know!

Kaminari PoV

After everything that happened in the stairwell in the basement I came running back to my room. I started passing the length of my room with all of my thought swirling around in my head. I don't know what to do! He kissed me! No that wasn't a kiss...he devoured me. Yes that's it. My lips are still slightly pink from how hungrily he kissed me and I can't stop thinking about he touched/teased me. I have never felt so conflicted in my life! Sure he was hot as hell and yes I did very much enjoy what we did but...well I don't really know. I just feel like I shouldn't be doing this, at least not till I fully know what he wants.

But that means going to his room.

Ok. I need help. Like now. That means only one thing. Time to text the idiot that got me into this mess. Grabbing my phone off my bedside table I started texting.

Kami: hey! You have to help me!

Not two second later you got a text back.

Sero: what happened?
Kami: you planned all of this didn't you! So help me figure it out!
Sero: I don't know what you mean ;P but it was that good huh.

You let out a deep sigh, yeah he's not going to drop this till I tell him.

Kami: yes it was good, ok. Now help?
Sero: I knew it!!
Ok, what's the problem if you liked it?
Kami: that is the problem! I reaaaaally like it but then kiri came down to the gym and well he left saying we have to talk and I am panicking! I don't even know if I should be doing this! Or what this is!

Ok I might have left out a couple details but he doesn't need to know everything. Like he doesn't have to know how hard it made me when he spoke dirty to me or how rubbed his knee against me, yeah that did feel good. Shit stop thinking about it kami!

Sero: ok first clam the shit down. Second just got ask him, he clearly wants to talk and he will know more then me about it.
Kami: argh! Fine. I can do this!

And with that I drop my self and my phone onto the bed. Looking up at the ceiling I couldn't stop myself for thinking about his touch again. He had hardly touched me but even just thinking about it sent my body into overload. I could feel myself growing hard in my boxers begging for attention, I want him to touch me again. I need him to touch me again. Yes I can do this. It's just a talk. Ok maybe a little more then just a talk...hopefully.

I sat up on my bed looking at the wall that separated our bedrooms, he on the other side of that wall waiting for me. I have to speak to him one way or the other. Standing up I walk over to my mirror and look at myself, happy I changed into my black workout leggings that hugged my legs tightly with yellow lose short shorts that stop just before my ass with a white tank top that show off my slim but tone arms.

Nodding to myself I turn and head out my door. Standing in front of shinsou room I raise my hand to knock.

"Kaminari? Have you been waiting long?"

Shinsou PoV

"Kaminari? Have you been waiting long?" I say as I walk down the hall towards my dorm room where kami is standing outside waiting. I can't help myself from looking him over, he just standing there in skin tight yoga pants with shorts that are way to short to wear out in public showing off the underside of his ass. That ass, I can still feel how it felt against my hand. Stop it shinsou. He's here to..wait why was he here?

"Huh no..I-I was just about to see if you wanted to talk? Or is it a bad time?" Kami said with a slightly blush to his face trying not to look you in the eye.

Oh, he want to talk. I couldn't help but smirk to myself, so he really did enjoy what happened. But I need to try and keep my mind straight while we talk, I can't touch him again till he asked me too.

"Sure, we can talk kami" I say walking towards him stoping infront of him for just a second before turning and opening the door walking inside leaving it open for kami. "You don't mind if I change out of my uniform do you?" Raising an eyebrow at kami as he shuts the door after walking into your room. Just cause I can't touch him doesn't mean I can't tease him, just a little. "S-sure"

I through my blazer over into the bed along with my tie, I walk over to my draws flicking my eyes over to kami to make sure he's watching me. I smirk to myself as I see his eyes follow me, I slowly start undoing the buttons making sure kami can see my body. Once fully undoing my shirt I can feel kami trailing over every inch of my muscular build, he eyes starting on my collar bone then down to my chest to going lower to my abs and to my sculpted v line. I smirk as I see him licking his bottom lip as a thought popped into my head. I walk over to kami as he turns a darker and darker shade of red. "You seem to like what you see, don't you?" I say as I get closer trapping in the doorway of my room. Leaning in towards him "now remember I said I won't touch you till we talk" leaning closer "doesn't mean you can't touch me if you want to kami. Do you want to touch me?" I say in a deeper voice then before and using my height to look down at him slightly.

"I-I want t-to but...we s-should talk f-first" kami spoke shuttering almost every word, he was so cute all flustered. He face was bright red trying very hard not to look me in the eyes. Oh I can't be having that I thought to myself as I lifted my hand to under his chin raising his head so he is looking me in the eyes. "First? So you plan on touching me after?" I say not breaking eye contact, smirking again as his eye widen with realisation of what he said. "I-I Mm I-I mean" he takes a deep breath "I really want to touch you and I really really really liked it when you touch me but I don't know what it means or even if it means anything! Let alone what exactly YOU want to do to me!" He says all in one breath going as fast as he can before losing his nerve. "Well that's all very simple kami. I want you, in any and every way you will let me have you. And yes I know what I am saying but it's not every day I meet someone who peaks my interest let alone does this to me" I say as I take his hand and place it on my trousers on my hard cock. I feel him squeeze my cock slightly in disbelief but I couldn't help but groan "Mm kami if you do that again, we won't be talking anymore" I say taking another step closer to him but he doesn't remove his hand.

"T-then..maybe we shouldn't talk anymore.."

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