Prophecy (TEASER for Part II)

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I looked around moving my eyes rapidly to see her laying on the ground on her side practically torn into pieces.

I turned around placing my hand over Dom's eyes.. He doesn't need to see this but even so he can still smell the stench of her blood.

My palm begins to feel wet and I look to see tears dripping from my hand and down Dom's face.

"Mom?" He cries. but all I can do is pull him into a hug.

"Boys?!" My father yelled from the porch, running toward us. His clothes are stained with blood, his hands are dripping with smears going all along his face.. It wasn't just any blood.. But our Mother's blood.

He grabbed me by the shoulder dragging me to the house with Dom still latched to myside, I yank myself away and look up at his blood shot eyes.

"Come here Ashton Now!"

I just stare at him, shocked to see him drenched in our mother's blood.

He kneels down, "Listen son, I need to talk to you and your brother. Come inside so your brother doesn't see your mother like this. Do you want him to have this image of his mother?"

He points to my mother's lifeless body, "What- What happened?"

I could seen the frustration in his face, "Son, come inside and we will talk."

I gulp, "No."

I see him lift his hand, "What did you say boy!?"

"I said no."

I could see the fire in his eyes light up but I could not be sure Dom and I were safe once we entered that house..

"That's it!"

My father's eyes were pitch black, his fist balled up, and his canines were emerging..

I pushed Dom behind me, lowering my head to get ready for the impact I was about to experience to my body.

"Alpha! Alpha! Stop! Stop! It's Ashton! Your son! Stop! Please Alpha! Please!" I look up to see our Beta Anthony in front of my holding my father.

This only infuriated my father more, "Please Alpha! Please stop! He is only a boy! Think of the Luna! Please!" Anthony dropped to his knees, begging my father.

My father completely stopped and dropped to the floor with his hands over his face weeping.

Beta Anthony turned to me, "Come on boys. Come with me. I'll take you inside."

We followed Anthony inside, "Sit down. Alpha wants to talk to you in a minute."

Dom and I just sat there waiting..

"Boys.. Lis-"

"What happened to our mother!?" I stand up, screaming at him.

"Ashton, I am sorry your mother is gone but she did it to protect you and your brother. That is all you need to know for now. When the time comes I will tell you and your brother everything.."

"That's all you can say? Out mother is dead father! Don't you understand that!? And all you can say for our mother's death is that she did it for us!?"

With that he walked away and ever since then I have despised my father.. I no longer sought his approval.. All I wanted was my mother.


Later on Dom and I found a little more information here and there. The last thing I found out was that Jasmine's family was responsible for this sacrifice our mother had to make because of some curse.. After I found that out, I left home and never returned until now. I know Dom told me he found out more but I never was able to ask him.. or maybe I didn't want to know..

That must be the prophecy the elder was talking about.. But wait how does this include Yvonne..??


Author's Note:

Welp.. There's your teaser! Sorry that's all I have to give as of this moment! I just finished all of my exams and have been so stressed lately! But now that the semester is over, I will be sure to have the next part ready to go!

Thank you so much for reading, liking, and for the comments! I truly do appreciate it!

Also, just a quick update I did go back and edit each chapter because to be honest I started this story while I was in high school and pretty much just forgot about it for a few years. However, I started writing this story again in college and man there was so much that needed to be improved. There still is but hopefully those edits make is easier and better to read. That is for now until I have time to completely go back and fully revise it! :) Again, Thank you guys so much!


My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin