Chapter 3

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Before I start this chapter I have to say something. I'm sorry if I'm wasting your time by you reading this stupid fanfiction. But thanks. I love you guy's and again thank you for reading this shitty fanfiction. And on to the story.


*your p.o.v. *

I was walking to my house with Mark and his friends got7. We where talking when BamBam asked " Are you and Mark Hyung dating? Cause you two seem really close to each other."

Everyone but BamBam busted out laughing. He just looked at use with a confused face until Jackson said that Mark and I are childhood friends that haven't seen each other in a long time. That's when he finally got it. I swear these boys are crazy. Sometimes I ask my self how do I deal with them.

While you where walking home you get a text from yoongi.

Yoongi.                                                                                         you.

Can you come to the studio.

                                                                                                      sure. When?

Now if that's ok with you

                                                                                                     yeah that's fine

Ok thanks. You wont regret this

                                                                                                      ok. I'm trusting you on this one.

Thanks. You'll love the surprise I have for you.

                                                                                                        o-ok bye


When you where done texting Yoongi you look up to see Mark reading your text messages. " Yah! Quiet being so nosy." You said. " Ok ok sorry. But be careful ok." he asked " ok I will" you responded in an annoyed tone

* Time skip to studio*

You startled him making him fall off the couch when you knocked on the door. You giggled and he just sat there and glared at you before laughing it off. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you and make you fall off the couch. You ok?" You said. He shrugged it off and told you to have a seat. "I asked you to come here because I want to see how well you rap/sing, if that's ok with you." He told you. When he was done talking he looked at you and you had a look on your face that answered his question. "I'll take that as a yes. I'll call my manager in here and then you can start. Sound good?" All you could do was nod your head to say yes.

His manager gets there and you start rapping/singing.

You get done and they both just looked at you with jungshook faces ( Author:  Sorry. I had to.) 

When you come out of the recording studio you see the rest of BTS. You didn' see them because they were off to the side and they came running to you and hugged the life out of you. "ok...guys...I can't...breath...let go please." You said and they did. Everyone said sorry and PD-Nim told you that you have a job as a trainee now to be come an idol  and your stage name is Suran.

*time skip, you are at your house*

When you get home you tell your mom about the good news and that you are not going to be home until let at night every night. All she said was congratulations and to try not to get disbanned. You thanked her and went to your room.


You've been in your room for about 2 hours now. During that time you have done nothing but try to go to sleep but you cant because you're wondering what mark meant by 'not until I'm with her' after you try to figure it out for 20 minutes you give up and fall asleep.


I'm not sleeping again but it's fine. I love you all.💜💜

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