Breaks Within The Chapter

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Breaks Within The Chapter as requested by AThousandYears;


Breaks within the chapter? What do you mean by that? You ask. Well you know when there are three *s in the middle of the page and then we start elsewhere? Or when there is a line ------------/...................... or maybe it's just double or triple spaced? 

Like this? 

I mean that.

What does a break within the chapter indicate? 

Essentially we have moved somewhere else, or time has passed in the story, but not enough to issue a new chapter. Sometimes it could be a break for a dream if your character has just gone to sleep. Or if an amount of time has passed where nothing has happened, but you are not ready to change the chapter.

If you are writing in third person (not limited) it could mean a change of narration. It could change whos head we're in.

A break within a chapter can mean many things. I like to think of it as a fade-out. It's like in a movie, when the scene fades out and then we're starting somewhere else. Maybe someone got attacked and now we're in the hospital because they passed out? Maybe we're just getting into a car and then we're near the place we need to be? 


Or at least an attempt at them. 

      Selena was walking along, minding her own business as usual. She always seemed to be lost in her own mind since the incident. Especially when she should be paying closer attention to her surroundings. 

      The sudden screeching of tyres pulls her out of her reverie. 

      A black car with tinted windows was heading Selena's way. It was coming right at her. Fast.

      With no way to escape Selena just stared, unmoving, at the car. It didn't even slow down. The car smashed into her stomach, knocking the breath out of her lungs and probably breaking a few ribs in the process.

      Then the world faded nto black. Selena was going to die. If she was sure of anything it was that. 


       The lights were too bright. Selena was thirsty. Beyond thirsty actually. But none of that mattered, because she had no idea where she was. 

       She could remember a black car with tinted windows. The screeching sound the tyres made. She could remember the pain. Lots of pain. But she could remember nothing after it. What had happened? 

So, that there was my attempt at an example. I went with something simple. You needed to fade-out, or end a chapter there because she can't get hit by the car, pass out and then suddenly wake up in hospital without some sort of break. 

If you character is going to sleep you might want to open up with something like "When insertnamehere woke up from their nap..." or "Insertnamehere awoke a few hours later feeling groggy..." 

Something that informs the reader what happened. Or that they are waking up. Or that it is later. 

Is there anything you think I missed? I feel as if there could be a lot more said for this chapter... I just can't seem to think of what. 

Anything you think I should add?

What did you think of the chapter? Was it helpful? No? Need more info? Let me know in the comments, or PM me. 

Do you want to request a chapter, or topic? Or need help with anything else? Just let me know in the comments at I will get back to you ASAP! 

I'm not sure what the next chapter will be about this time... 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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