Chapter 2

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*Beep Beep *

"Shut that thing off !!!" I hear Flora yell from her room.

"I will, just wait a minute !!" I scream back.

Once I turn the thing off, I fall back asleep.  What, we all do it.

20 Minutes Later

*Beep Beep *

"I swear to god this happened 15 minutes ago !" I hear my roomate shout again.

"Why did we create school !?" I scream in frustration.

"Haha sucks to be you !!" Flora yells in victory.

"Oh go screw yourself!" I tell/yell at her.

"I can't do that i would have to chop some guys d-"

"LA-LA-LA- IM NOT LISTENING!!!" I don't need anymore disgusting images in my head.

I hear Flora laugh in the back ground.

I slowly start to get up. Muttering curses will do it.

I put music on and begin my morning routine. Put my clothes on, mess up my hair, put my contacts on, then my glasses, then grab my braces, eat food, brush my teeth, and then put my braces on.

As I am eating Flora comes into the kitchen.

"Hey... Do you want to make me food? Yes!? Awesome! I would like an egg bagel. Please." She does this every morning and I turn her down every time.

"No, no I cooked yesterday and bought dinner last night. So yeah no." I turn her down like I do every morning.

"So who was that guy last night." Flora mentions, but judging by that look in her eye I can tell she has been dying to ask me all night.

"No one. He got too handsy so I called for security." I state, wanting to change the subject.

She gets the point and moves on.

"Well I am off to school." I say as I slide off my seat to go brush my teeth.

"You know I never get why you dress as a nerd." Flora questions.

"You know why. If they found out I was a stripper they would think I am a slųt." I say, as I get my stuff together.

"But you're a virgin!!" She shouts in frustration, for some reason.

"Oh really I wasn't aware! Well I'm off to school. Bye!" I scream.

"Bye little Nerdie." Flora shouts back.

"Off to prison..." I mutter as I get a cab.

"Where to?" The cab driver asks.

"Easton High." I state with dread.

"Ohh highschool, got to say best years of my life." He states with awe.

"Seriously?!" I can't help but ask.

"Yeah, everyone was so nice and the teachers were fun." He states with honesty.

"What world did you grow up in?" I ask.

"Is that not how it is today?" He genuinely asks.

"No! Every one bullys you if you don't follow the rules of society, if you're smart you're considered a nerd. If you sleep with every guy you're considered a slut. If you don't sleep with any guys you're considered a prude. You can't be too dumb or else you're an airhead. That is highschool today." I rant.

"People are seriously like that?!" He asks with disbelief.

"Hate to break it to you Gary but we are talking about two different generations things have changed." I sigh while lookinh out the window.

The Nerd is a Stripper?!Where stories live. Discover now