Part 30 The attack

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I am sorry😩🖤

That night Natasha gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.He had ocean blue eyes like his father and strawberry blond hair from both of his parents a mix he looked exactly like his father.

Natasha gave a last cry of pain until she heard her sons cry she was overjoyed and so was Steve when he held him in his hands he was so little.

"He is so precious"Steve said
"Yea he is"Natasha said

They told Steve to leave because they needed to clean Natasha and he baby and get them into a room.

Steve got out of the room crying from happiness what did he deserves to have this? Wanda saw him crying and got scared something did something bad happened?

"Steve What happened?"Wanda asked
"Wanda she gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy"Steve said

Wanda laughed and hugged Steve and Natasha's brothers happy with the news.They couldn't wait to meet him.

The doctor said that they can go to the room when they entered they saw Natasha on the bed with her son cuddling.

"Natasha can I h-"Wanda said
"Of course"Natasha said

She gave to her son to Wanda and then passed him to John and Nicolas.

"Congratulations"Nicolas said
"Thank you"Steve said
"Have you thought of names?"Wanda asked

Steve and Natasha looked at each other they hadn't thought of names she was supposed to give birth in 2 months.

"How about Anthony or James?"Steve asked
"Anthony James Rogers I love it"Natasha said smiling

Natasha had to stay 2 days into the hospital just Incase something happens cause she gave birth 2 months earlier that her actually due but there didn't seem to have a problem.

And she didn't have a problem staying inside 2 days if it was for her sons health she had her husband on the bedside she didn't care about anything else but her husband and her son.

"Come baby lets take mommy and go home"Steve said holding his son

James always wanted attention from Natasha he was hungry and that's natural he is just 1 week.He was waking up at night crying waking up both his parents they didn't mind they woke up and calmed him to sleep.

"Steve it's okay sleep"Natasha said as Anthony woke up for his feed.
"No baby I am okay feed him here and then we can go back to sleep"Steve said

Natasha smiled and took down a stripe of her nightgown to feed him and the the other.Steve kissed Anthony as Natasha putted him on bed.She was tired but so happy that she had finally her little son.

Steve kisses her forehead and took her waist in his hands.

"Hey let's go to bed"he said

Natasha nodded as they got into bed he hugged her waist protectively as she place her head on his chest listened to his heartbeat and her sons breath.

"Thank you"Steve said
"For what?"she asked confused
"For this our little son our family I would never imagine it"he said smiling
"I love you Steve I really do"she said
"I know and I love you too"He said

Natasha and Steve were enjoining dinner on the kitchen with their little son on the stroller. Suddenly Jason burst into the room breathing heavy.

"Steve they are attacking Rumlow and his gang they say they won't leave until they get what they want"Jason said
"Natasha take Anthony to the room now and don't leave"Steve yelled panicked

Natasha picked up her son and run to their room as Steve putted 2 guards out of her door just incase something goes wrong.He run quickly to the fighting.

"Long time no seeing Rumlow what do you want?"Steve asked
"I will get what I want"he said

Natasha was hugging her little son on the bed scared of what's happening outside.

"It's okay baby everything is gonna be fine"she said caressing his little hair.

The door burst open and a man stood there making his way to Natasha.Natasha left her son into his little crib ready to defend him.

"What do you want from us?"she asked

He didn't speak instead he walked more to her.

"If you come near us one more time I will hit you really really bad"She yelled

But he didn't stop he was ready to touch her she punched him hard on his stomach and her knee on his dick he immediately fell on the ground groaning in pain.

"I told you"she yelled
"You little bitch"he said he couldn't stand up

Two other mans entered the room but she beat them down she was fast and clever she already knew self defense and she wasn't scared she have learned something from Steve.

"That's enough"a man said

Someone putted a napkin with someone on it she got dizzy but they touched her little son.

"No please leave my son alone"she yelled

"Sir do we take her child too?"

That's the last thing she remembered before everything went black.

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