Part 20 i am scared

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After Wanda finished the call the doctor came out.

"Miss Romanoff wants you inside we are about to do an ultra sound"the doctor said
"Does that mean I am gonna be an aunt?"Wanda asked and Natasha nobbed hugging her

"Everything looks fine your are 3 weeks pregnant the morning sickness and the changing mood is okay I need you to not stress and eat well here are the first photos of your little one"the doctor said giving them the photos
"We will be careful"Wanda said hugging Natasha as they left the doctor they walked to a park near to get some fresh air.

Natasha started crying and Wanda hugged her.

"What's wrong?"Wanda asked
"What is he doesn't want it? What if he wants to kill it? What if he gets bored of me? What am I gonna do?"Natasha said crying on Wanda's shoulder now
"What not stop Natasha look at me he would never do that he wants kids and he loves you don't get him wrong he is not bad"Wanda tried to say
"I am scared Wanda"Natasha couldn't face her
"I know but look I am here everything will be fine"Wanda said
"Wanda did you tell him?"Natasha asked
"No I didn't you should be the ones he only knows that we were in the hospital"Wanda said
"Promise me that you won't tell him untill I am ready to"Natasha said
"I promise I won't tell anything until you are ready I will take you to the doctor whatever you need I will be here please stop crying stop stressing yourself"Wanda said
"Thank you Wanda"Natasha said
"No don't well look there is an ice cream shop do you want some before we go back?"Wanda asked
"Yes"Natasha said she stopped crying she wasn't alone anymore she has Wanda and her baby she needs to be strong for her baby.

The ride home was quiet.Natasha had fallen asleep since the hospital was 2 hours away. Wanda saw that Natasha was sleeping so peaceful so she didn't want to wake her up she was tired.Instead she was going to tell Steve to pick her up.When she entered the house alone Steve was waiting for them he was worried.

"Wanda how is she? What did the doctor say?"he asked worried
"Steve Natasha is fine she was just a little sick"Wanda answered

Steve was waiting to see Natasha entered the house but she didn't.

"Wanda where is Natasha?Did you let her leave?"he asked a little mad now

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