Part 24 Steve?

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My other story romanogers what about us is now up without grammar mistakes you can read it and I have in mind a new story which will be up soon thank you enjoy❤️

"Well I think that is a boy it kicks a lot"Natasha smiled
"I think it's a girl"Wanda said
"Well I guess we have to wait until next week"Wanda said
"Yes"Natasha said excited
"Come on Natasha we can learn tomorrow"Wanda said
"Yes but I wanna tell Steve first and now he is not here so we have to wait until next week"Natasha said
"Okay okay fine"Wanda smiled
"When is he coming did he told you?"Natasha asked
"Wow you have missed him a lot"Wanda smiled
"Yes I have and these hormones makes me miss him more"Natasha said putting her hand on her belly
"I understand he will probably come next week"Wanda said
"Oh"Natasha said a little disappointed
"Hey he told me that if he finish earlier he will come"Wanda said and Natasha smiled
"I talked to him but he didn't tell me when"natasha said
"Yes so to change subject tomorrow we have an appointment at 12pm so we can have lunch a sandwich from the cantina next to the hospital on the park"Wanda said and Natasha nodded at this idea
"Yea"she smiled

Natasha and Wanda were enjoining each other's company they talked about many things and random they were like best friends.Natasha didn't have anybody else but she loved Wanda's company more than her past friends.

"Natasha what's taking you so long?"Wanda yelled
"Wanda relax it's only 10am"Natasha yelled back sleepy
"Yea But we have an hour drive to get there"Wanda said
"Fine"Natasha yelled
"Finally let's go"Wanda said smiling

"Natasha you can rest here in the car"Wanda said
"Wanda I am pregnant not sick I can handle it"natasha said annoyed
"Okay I am just worried"Wanda answered and both Natasha and her started laughing for not reason

The doctor did the ultra sound the check outs she found everything normal.So Natasha and Wanda were both happy.They walked to the park that was near the hospital.They usually went there after the doctors appointment. Natasha set a a blanket on the ground and Wanda went to the little cantina to take sandtwitch .

"Okay the usual?"Wanda asked
"Yes mam"Natasha nodded

Wanda smiled and walked to the cantina but when she turned she got scared.

"Steve?"she asked

Steve was on the business trip for a week it was to be 2 weeks trip but he finished earlier.So he was going to surprise Natasha.He missed her he couldn't leave a day without her he was obsessed with his beautiful wife.So he decide to return earlier.

Sorry this chapter is small but I will post soon the other...
Hope you enjoyed make sure to make your reviews and vote....
Next chapter soon...
I am sorry for the grammar mistakes English is not my native language I will correct them when I finished the story❤️

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