Part 13 Realif

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"Hey"she said with a sleepy voice
"Oh sorry I didn't want to wake you up"he said
"No it's okay how was your day?"she asked
"It was okay I was working all day I will let you continue your beauti sleep I am just gonna freshen up"he said going to the bathroom

Natasha was very tired not from the trip but from the afternoon that she spended with Jason.She fall asleep and didn't even notice when Steve came to the room laying beside her hugging her.
Natasha opened her eyes to find Steve sitting on the couch looking at her.

"Good morning beautiful"he said
"Good morning"he said
"Come it's already late let's have a beautiful day"he said smiling

She made her way out of bed wearing black shorts and a white t shirt.

"Natasha what happened to you leg?"he asked worried

Natasha froze..

Natasha and Jason were out of the apartment they sneak out without being notice Jason had plan something fun.

"Come you know how to ride a bike right?"Jason asked
"I have ride one since I was 12 please tell we are not gonna"she said nervous
"Come I will teach you"he said laughing
"Don't let me fall I am scared"she said nervous
"I won't"he said holding the bike as Natasha was on it

Natasha was learning fast but then he let go of the bike and she fall on the ground hurting her leg and they both laughed it didn't hurt her much.

"You said you would let me fall"she said laughing
"I am sorry are you okay?"he asked laughing
"Yes I am fine"she said

End of flashback

"Oh I tricked down the bed"she said to Steve trying to hide the truth

He approached her kneeling in front of her to check it out he was suspicious what was she doing was she out?

"Just be careful next time"he said

She nodded  and got inside the closet to get dressed."damn that was close"she thought
When she entered the room Steve's jaw dropped seeing her  in a beautiful dress with her beautiful red curls down her shoulder her her soft skin glowing.She is so perfect and she is mine he thought.

"Shall we?"he said reaching for her hand

He was a gentleman so sweet to her.

"What are you doing?"she asked
"Drawing"he said
"I didn't know you draw"she said
"well it's my passion right now I am drawing the most beautiful view I have ever seen"he said referring to her

She blushed.

"Come I wanna take you somewhere "he said

Steve took Natasha to a art gallery.She was admiring the paintings she was shocked looking at the paintings feeling what the artist wanted to say.

"Wow these are amazing"she said
"I know right"he said

They were enjoying them self's that they didn't even notice that it was almost 10 pm time for dinner.

"Come it's late I have something plan for us"he said smiling as he took her hand

He took her to a beautiful place that he had prepared a romantic dinner with candles and rose petals.

"Steve this is so sweet"she said enjoining each other's company and their food.
"Only for you"he said

He lean to kiss her passional and for the first time she didn't push him away like always she enjoyed it.Most of the  times she didn't let him come near her she pushed him she didn't want him to touch her.But now she felt his lips on hers he was hungry for her and she wanted him too.He loved her cared for her she could feel that with everything that he did.She decided that she is gonna help him to be a better person.

"Let's take that home"he said as he was on top of her he picked her up brital style carrying her to the apartment and then to the bed which they continued.

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