Kim Yohan// X1

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Request: Yohan x male reader where the reader likes Yohan but he fears that he will get bullied if he ever tries to tell Yohan how he feels. And Yohan is in the same situation.

Thank so much @THICCHUN for this request and I hope you like it : ))

Relationship: You have liked Yohan since high school, but your family is very against gay relationships, so you never told anyone, even him.

Scenario: You finally moved away from your family when you left for college, and Yohan happened to be accepted to the same university. While you're no longer under your families thumb, you still fear telling Yohan that you like him because your scared how your classmates will react.

{Your P.O.V}

I tried to keep my footsteps light, so no one could hear me as I walked around the empty building. Normally the halls would be flooded with kids from every major, but classes just ended early, leaving the hallways caged in silence. Once again I was trying to do what I have been attempting to gain the courage for, for years; put a love letter in my crushes locker. Basically, ever since I found out my longtime crush, Yohan, is in the same college as I am.

Before I could reach the section of the school where it led to the sports lockers, I noticed an empty math classroom with talking inside. I hid on the wall of the classroom, afraid a teacher would catch me and write me up, but as I listened in, I noticed it definitely wasn't a teacher.

"Okay, well, I wanted to tell you guys for a while now but I never found the right time to tell you. And you see it's difficult because you might hate me after this and I am risking loosing my best friends, but I also need to get this off my chest. And I mean I know—"

I heard someone cut Yohan off, " Bro, just take a deep breath and tell us, I doubt we will hate you, like even if you killed someone.. I mean I can look up on google like places to hide a body and you know Seungwoo is a chem major so maybe we can like put it in that acid that eats the body up and we won't even have any evidence."

"Please tell me your joking Dongpyo.." Minhee just shook his head, clearly exasperated at his friends thoughts. I looked over at Yohan and noticed that he wasn't his usual self. Normally where he was  a bit cheerful and silly, he seemed more reserved and nervous. Even though he was closest to Dongpyo, he didn't even crack a smile at his craziness.

I saw the moment where his friends noticed this as well because they all got serious and leaned in close to Yohan.

"Tell us what's wrong, for real this time. I don't think I've ever seen you this serious.. even when we thought we failed our English midterms."

He heaved a sigh and looked down at his feet. I heard him mumble something, but it was so low I couldn't exactly hear what it was. I guess neither did his friends as they all got closer and echoed small, "what's".

"I'm— gay."

I put my hand up to my mouth to cover my shock. His friends either knew this already, or were just not phased by this stuff as they barely reacted.

They talked for a little bit, but I zoned out as I was lost in my own thoughts. When I looked back up, I noticed the mood was drastically different.

It wasn't long before they all group hugged and started smiling again. It seemed this was a big weight lifted off of Yohan because he seemed ten times brighter than before, and he was even laughing again.

I slowly walked away, still trying to process what I had heard.

You mean to tell me, that the guy I had been straight up crushing on for years, no pun intended, is into men?

Kpop x male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora