Chapter Forty Four

Start from the beginning

She tried to imagine how she would feel if Donovan was overseas and could finally return, but she could not even stomach the thought. It was no wonder that Christina's grief had stolen her spirits for the last few years. Jack wondered if David's return would bring her the health and recovery she so desperately needed.

"Jack, Donovan, hello!" Jack turned to see Corrie and her husband approaching, and Dr. Benjamin shook hands with Donovan as Jack hugged her niece. Her heart, full to bursting, swelled when she saw the courtesy the doctor extended to Donovan. He was finally being treated as an equal.

"What happened?" Jack exclaimed as Oliver continued to babble, walking through the crowd and shaking hands with everyone he encountered. "How did they finally arrange it?"

"I know all the details," another voice said, and Hannah joined them. "I handle all the news about the war at the newspaper, so I've seen this coming for awhile."

Jack's joy haled a little as she saw the girl in her black clothes, mourning Titus. While the rest of them celebrated and contemplated the happy future before them, Hannah would have given anything to go back just a few weeks. Still, she lifted her pointed chin and relayed what she knew with dry eyes.

"Bulgaria, Hungary and Austria, and the Ottomans already signed treaties with the Allies; we've just been waiting on Germany to agree, and they finally did," Hannah explained. Jack wondered just how much she'd missed about the War in the last few weeks she'd spent preoccupied with Donovan's fate. "The Supreme Allied Commander, Foch, met in Compiègne to discuss a treaty."

"Compiègne," Christina repeated, correcting Hannah's jumbled French. Hannah rolled her eyes and continued the tale.

"Anyways. They met a few days ago to start the discussion, but it was kind of hopeless for the Germans because we've been winning, so they had to agree to all of our demands or we would obliterate them. It happened at 11:00 A.M. on November 11th," Hannah said, with a slight smile.

"So it's over?" Donovan questioned from beside Jack. "What were their terms of surrender?"

As if reciting from a newspaper, Hannah said, "Cessation of hostilities, the withdrawal of German forces, surrender of weapons, and the release of prisoners of war."

"Amazing," Corrie whispered under her breath.

"So that's it? The Germans did exactly as the Allies asked?"
Donovan, his eyebrows puckered in a frown, said, "I doubt it will be that easy, but if they've signed the agreement, then it will all have to end soon."

Her cheeks flushed with excitement, Christina asked, "How long do you think it'll be until they send the soldiers home?"

No one said anything, but Jack knew it wouldn't be as soon as she hoped. They would have to arrange for hundreds of ships to bring back the soldiers, healthy and wounded alike, and with David in good condition, he may be one of the last brought home.

"Whenever it is," Corrie said, wrapping her arm around the frail girl's shoulders. "At least he's coming home safe and sound."

A trumpet sounded and Jack saw the members of the Ragtime band appear, touting their instruments and playing the Star Spangled Banner with great gusto. Everyone cheered as they played, and an American flag was raised above the town square as everyone joined in singing the lyrics together.

For the rest of the day, all work was ignored as the town celebrated together. One of the farmers decided to slaughter a pig and the townspeople built a huge bonfire right in the center of the square even though it was a chilly November day. All afternoon, the Ragtime band continued to play and the people danced around the fire: Julius and Minnie Booker, Dr. Benjamin and Corrie, Hannah and Christina, Oliver and Anita, Jack and Donovan. Everything that had troubled Jack for the last few weeks dissipated in the face of all this joy. The war was over, and Donovan's hands were around her waist, swinging her to the music.

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