Fine Line

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Put a price on emotion, I'm looking for something to buy.

September 1st 2018

Black, it's all Elizabeth could see, darkness. It has been a rough couple of weeks for the Wellingtons. "Baby," Harry cooed softly as he fixed his black suit slightly. It was weird for Elizabeth to see Harry without his eccentric clothing, even Harry felt less comfortable but it was also due to the circumstances. "We should head over to your parents' house soon."

Elizabeth sighed as she looked into Harry's eyes, her eyes were still red and puffy and there were dark circles under her eyes. She hadn't slept much this week, her emotions were put on hold ever since it happened.

There was this rude awakening a few weeks ago, Harry and Elizabeth were at home. Harry was busy watching reruns of his favourite series, while Elizabeth was editing some pictures she had taken when she got a call. She frowned slightly, she had just talked to her mother about half an hour ago so she was wondering why she was calling again. "Hello?"

There was harsh breathing on the other line. "Mum, are you there?" She frantically stood up as there was no answer.

"Sweetie," Her mother said, her voice was fragile and weak and Elizabeth's heart broke at the sound of her trembling voice.

"What's wrong? You're scaring me," Elizabeth tried once again, but her mother found it hard to tell her daughter the inevitable news.

Harry heard Liz's panicked voice and pressed pause, focusing on Elizabeth who was in the other room. He heard something break and that's when he stood up and basically ran over, worry taking over his features. "Elizabeth?" He called softly, not noticing her at first, but then he turned around the corner and saw her sitting on the kitchen floor, broken glass surrounded her as she just stared in front of her. "Baby, what is it?"

"Hospital," She muttered out. "We need to go, now," She emphasised, Harry did not understand at first but he grabbed his keys nevertheless and they hurried towards his car.

"Which one?"

"Southhampton," She mumbled, staring in front of her, her phone clutched safely in her hands. Harry sped out of the driveway, navigating towards the Southhampton hospital, completely oblivious to the situation. His hand rested on her thigh and if Elizabeth wouldn't be in such a shock, she would find it comforting.

"Baby, I know it's hard to talk, but you have to tell me what's going on," He softly told his girlfriend, tracing patterns on her thigh as a loud sigh left her lips.

"There is something going on with granny," She looked momentarily towards Harry, whose eyes seemed to sadden immediately. He knew how important her grandmother was to her so this must be a great shock. Harry decided to step up on the gas and try to get there sooner, but traffic wasn't in their favour.

"What is going on with her?"

"I don't know," Elizabeth answered, fiddling with her thumbs. She was scared, way too scared that something terrible is about to happen.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Elizabeth and Harry hurried towards the ER, where everyone was waiting. Elizabeth hugged her sister close as Harry greeted the family too. Elizabeth's grandfather sat on a chair, clearly stressed out as he looked at his sleeping wife. "Any news?"

Her father shook her head slightly as Elizabeth hugged her grandfather close. A doctor came into the room soon after Elizabeth and Harry had arrived, a neutral expression on her face. "Hi, I'm doctor Bloomingdale," She introduced herself to the family. "So we have done some tests on Mrs Wellington," The doctor paused slightly, watching everyone in the room.

Fine Line / H.S [COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt