Canyon Moon

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Carry the feeling, through Paris, all through Rome.

July 2nd 2018

Elizabeth stumbled through her kitchen as she heard her phone go off in the other room. She basically sprinted over there, knowing the only person that would call her this late at night is Harry.

Once she retrieved her phone and answered the video call, she watched how her handsome boyfriend became visible for her. An easy smile covered his face as he slowly drawled 'Hi'.

"Hey, rocker," She grinned, observing his green orbs and sleepy stare. "How are you?"

She watched his lips as he answered her, terribly wishing she could see his lips in real life. "I'm great, I'm happy to see you, baby."

Harry had been in Europe for several weeks now. He decided to suddenly drop a studio version of Medicine and Anna after his fans asked for it every second of every damn day. So his fans went absolutely crazy over it and he had to fly out to England and other European countries for interviews and some surprise shows. "I love the pictures from Rome," Elizabeth said, twisting the ring around her finger as she looked up.

Her soft voice brought a sense of comfort to Harry but he still wished she was next to him right now, resting in his bed in a hotel room in Paris. "You did? I thought you would've liked the pictures from Paris more, you love France."

Elizabeth chuckled softly, flicking her hair behind her shoulder. Harry observed her beauty for a second as he listened to her sweet voice. "Yeah, I'm a sucker for France but I've never been to Rome, it's on my Bucket List."

"We should go there sometime, I could show you around," Harry suggested, a hand slipped through his brown curls before settling on Elizabeth's pretty face. "I miss you."

"I miss you too," Elizabeth pouted, her eyes glanced over at the big clock on her wall. "When is your flight again?"

Harry sighed as he looked at the time. "I have to leave in half an hour. I'll land in Los Angeles about half an hour before you, so I'll just wait for you to land."

Elizabeth nodded absently; already picturing seeing him in real life after being away from too long from him. "Stella might pop in some time this weekend, do you mind?"

"No, not at all," Elizabeth chimed, biting her lip softly. "I'm excited to see her again, we've been texting a lot and we had lunch the other day. She's actually really nice to hang out with."

"I love that you are friends with my friends," Harry dramatically said, faking a sappy smile as Elizabeth giggled. "You're such a sap. Anyways, I'm going to sleep, I have to get up in a few hours so I want to rest for a bit."

"Okay," Harry sighed, already missing her voice and smile even though she hadn't hung up yet. "I love you," She reminded him, blowing him a kiss.

"And I love you, baby," He smiled lazily, feeling happiness engulf his senses. He fell back into the mattress as Elizabeth ended the call and stared at the ceiling. During his time away the only thing he could think about was her. He realised he couldn't be without her anymore, he wanted her next to him at all times. "For fuck's sake," He groaned, realising he was actually acting really needy but he couldn't help himself.

He loved everything about her. From the sunflower just under her elbow cavity, that he still didn't know the meaning of, to the caring and sweet personality. She was slowly warming up to Harry, he could sense that and he loved it. He loved how she was slowly sharing bits and pieces of her thoughts. She could feel her walls crumbling down and she tried holding it back because she was still scared but at the same time she actually wanted to share things with Harry.

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