Chapter 4: She's Leaving Home

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Author's note: Just so you know, the chapters in this book are all named after Beatles songs! "She's Leaving Home" is from the Sgt. Pepper's album. 

By the time George got back from school, John was already waiting for him in the living room. He held a highball glass in one hand and a sports magazine in the other. He seemed a bit... tipsier than usual. "So, you've decided to start smoking, eh?"

George sighed as he sank down into a chair. "Dad, before you say anything-"

"Listen, if you keep this up, your lungs are gonna die."

"He's right, darling!" Paul yelled from the kitchen. "They're gonna shrivel up and rot!"

"Light one more cigarette and I'm gonna straighten you out, young man." John said. "Believe me, I will."

Ringo was so frightened, he dashed off to his room and dumped his pack of Marlboros out the window. George was just about ready to snap. "Dad, I'm not a kid anymore, so will you stop telling me what to do!? I'm seventeen, for Christ's sake!"

"Hey, that's no way to talk to your own father-"

George was already walking away. He slammed his bedroom door shut, grabbed the telephone and dialed Pattie's number. She picked up after about five rings. "This is the Boyd residence, who is it?"

"It's me, darling." George whispered. "Listen, I'm leaving home, do you wanna come with?"

Pattie's eyes grew wide. "Le-Leaving home? What for?"

"The rents are getting on my nerves. You know how they're always bickering and telling me what to do and what not to do. It's about time I took a little break."

"And you're asking me to come with you!?"

"Yep, that's about right."

"But where are we gonna go? We have school tomorrow!"

George sighed. "Look, I need an answer. Is it a yes or a no?"

The line was silent for a while. Pattie paced here, she paced there, a million thoughts spinning round her pretty little head. There's cheer practice tomorrow at noon, I can't miss that! But I do love George and I think I should accompany him... but my parents are gonna kill me! They're gonna hate me forever! But George will be so lonely, maybe I should say yes... hey, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, just go for it already! 

"Oh, fine," she sighed into the receiver. "I'll come with you."

"Good." George nodded. "I'll drive up to your place in the morning at around 5 a.m. Don't say anything to your parents, okay?"

Pattie could hear her own heart pounding. "I won't, I promise, darling." Then she hung up, closed her eyes and let out a huge sigh.

They packed their bags that very night and wrote their good-bye letters before going off to bed. Just a few more hours till the big escape, and they'll be speeding away in George's shiny new Rambler, downing Coca Cola bottles and singing along to pop tunes on the radio. We'll eat anything, stay at a motel, mess around and do whatever we want, George thought. It'll be great fun, and we'll be back in Liverpool before we know it.

Oh, just think of all the pretty little shops we'll pass by! Pattie smiled to herself. I can finally get my hands on a stylish hound's tooth coat! And maybe a pair of go-go boots, too, for the Nancy Sinatra look.

The next morning, just like they planned, George got up at four, took a shower, got dressed, and left his note at the top of the stairs. He went down to the kitchen, carrying his bag and car keys, and quietly slipped out the back door, which led to the garage. He started the Rambler and backed out of the driveway, and off he went in the direction of Pattie's home. 

Pattie dressed herself in a white blouse, a pink flowing skirt, and white kitten heel pumps. She had a simple gold necklace strung around her neck, which was a birthday present from her grandfather. She left her note on her mother's bedside table, tiptoed quietly down the stairs, sneaked out through the front door, and found George standing on the pavement with a big grin on his face. "Hi, Pattie." he said. 

"Oh, George!" she ran over and leapt onto his body, trapping him in a tight embrace. "Oh, George, I missed you so."

"What are you talking about?" he chuckled. "Didn't you see me in school yesterday?"

"Come on, let's get in the car before any of the neighbors catch us."

So they hurriedly climbed into the red Rambler and sped off, leaving behind a long trail of smoke. Buddy Holly was on full blast on the car radio. 

- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 -Where stories live. Discover now