Chapter 8

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Trenton wakes up feeling his best. Today he wants to do something for Paisley. He looks over at her.

She's sleeping and she looks beautiful. He sees that her hair is in her face. He  softly pushes it so that he can see her face again.

She stirs and  her eyes flutter open. She is awake. "Morning." He says. "Morning. Were you watching me sleep?" She asks. "No. I wasn't."

"Yes you were. You know that's crazy right?" "I'm sorry." "Its ok. Let's get breakfast." "Ok." He says and stands up. She notices that he's quite big.

She is staring at him. "Like what you see?" He says when he notices her staring at him. She shakes her head like she was in a trance and rolls her eyes. "Please. I've seen bigger." She says.

She isn't lying. The only other dick she has seen that was as big his is Danté's. She stands up and notices that sue is in his bedroom.

"How did I get here?" "I carried you here." "You could have carried me to my own bed." "I know that but it was too far." He says like a child.

She goes to the door and he comes up behind her holds the door. "What are y-!" He cuts her off by whispering in her ear. "I want you so bad." Her breathing hitches. "Trenton..." "I like the way you say my name."

She leans into him. She feels his morning glory. He grinds on her. She moans against her own will. She then remembers Danté and turns around to face him. She is pinned to the wall. "Trenton. W-we can't do this."

"Why?" He says then he places a soft kiss on her neck. She feels good but she knows that this was not part of the plan.

She pushes him and he moans. He isn't wearing a T-shirt. He places a few more kisses on her neck. This time she moans loudly.

"Does that feel good?" He says seductively. Something in her brain clocks and she uses this moment to say, "You know about a month ago there was a bombing at Danté's house and I almost got killed."

He tenses up and stops kissing her. He looks at her and asks, "Were you hurt in any way?"

"No. Luckily it was just the bedframe that was hurt." She tries to make a joke out of the situation. "Its not a joke." "I didn't say it was." And just like that their sexual encounter turns to a serious conversation.

"Do you know who it was?" She shakes her head. Although she is staring at the person responsible. "Don't worry I'll find out who was responsible."

"No. You don't have to do that. I've already caused you so much trouble." "You can never cause me any trouble." He says and he smiles.

She smiles and says,"Now can we get breakfast?" "Of course." She turns around and opens the door. They step out and then without warning he flings her over his shoulder.

She squeals in surprise. "What are you doing?" "Carrying you." He says in a duh tone. She rolls her eyes and let's him carry her to the dining room.

He puts her down gently and she says,"Thanks for the ride." "Anytime." They sit down and notice that it's around 11. "It's 11!" She says.

"Yeah. Why are you surprised?" "I have to go to work!" "No. Please stay with me." "I  can't." "You can't or you won't?" She sighs and he says,"Call in sick or something."

She looks at him and thinks for a few minutes and says,"Ok." He smiles and she calls the hospital. "Done." She says referring to her basically lying about being sick in order to stay in with Trenton.

"Now we can have fun." He says. She narrows her eyes at him. "Don't think we are going to have that kind of fun." He pouts and she smiles.

"Let's go and shower then we can have fun." She says he gets up and they go to their bedrooms and shower. Paisley is the first one to finish.

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