Chapter 3

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The next day is Saturday and it's the day that Paisley is going to have lunch with Dr Jones. She gets up and goes to shower.

She makes breakfast for everyone but doesn't eat. Sophia asks her,"Why don't you eat?" "I'm having lunch with a friend so I don't want to eat so much." "Ok."

Sophia says and continues to eat her breakfast. Dante looks up and asks her,"Who is this friend?" "A friend from college." "Ok. If you say so."

He answers. Paisley knots her eyebrows together and asks him,"What do you mean by if you say so?" "Nothing." He says flatly. She rolls her eyes but he doesn't see her.

"Ok." She hates it when he acts likes this. She tells them that she has to go. She gets ready and leaves. She meets up with Dr Jones at the Tasty café.

They sit down and order drinks and food. While waiting for their order they talk. At first it was a bit awkward but as they got to know each other more the awkwardness dissolved.

They talked about their childhoods and future plans. Paisley thought he was a great guy. They had been there for almost three hours. He paid the bill(after a long argument with Paisley about who should pay it) and walked Paisley to her car.

They hugged,a friendly hug and she drives home. She finds Sophia working and Cody and Danté in the study. She decides to watch a movie called Byzantium.

The movie is about two young women who live in a coastal town and happen to be vampires. The movie ends and Sophia is done with her work. Paisley is craving something sweet so they go to the bakery.

They come back with cupcakes and find that the boys are done with their work. Paisley has a cupcake and Danté asks,"What's for dinner?"

"I'm so tired right I don't feel like standing in front of the stove." Sophia says and Paisley hums in agreement. "Let's order pizza then." Cody suggests. "Sure." Danté agrees. He orders pizza and half an hour later it arrives.

They all eat while watching TV. After dinner Dante and Paisley go to their bedroom. Dante sits down and so does Paisley. "Where were you?" He asks her. "What do you mean?" He reaches over and takes out an envelope.

He gives it to her. She opens it and finds pictures of her and Dr Jones. "Where did you find these?" Paisley asks him. "Why did you lie to me?" Dante asks. "Don't answer my question with a another question."

She says. "Answer my question first." She sighs loudly. "I knew you would get upset. That's why I lied to you." "I thought there were no more secrets between us." He says sadly. "There aren't." "Then why did you lie?"

He asks her looking at her. She doesn't answer him. "Fine! Then answer this question." She looks at him waiting for his question. "Are you cheating on me?" She looks at him and laughs. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. Just answer the question." "No! Of course not." "If you want to break up with me, just tell me." Dante says. Paisley's heart hurts and she can't believe what she's hearing right now. "What are you talking about?"

Paisley asks him angrily. "I've seen how you act around me lately." "How am I acting?" "You don't seem to be here." She rolls her eyes and says,"I'm going to sleep in  the guest room tonight."

He doesn't say or do anything to stop her. He just sits there and watches her get her things and leave the room. Paisley gets to the room,changes and cries herself to sleep. The next morning she gets up and makes breakfast.

The table is silent for a while only the sounds of forks and knives hitting plates can be heard until Cody talks to Danté and Sophia talks to Paisley. Their friends are unaware of the tension between the pair.

They finish their food and Paisley goes and showers. When she's done she gets a call from Dr Jones. "Hey." He says. "Hey. What do I owe this pleasure?" "Hi! I just thought I should check on you." "Ok. I'm good."

"So how are you?" "I'm great since I'm hearing your voice." "Oh please don't try and flatter me." She says feeling happy for the first time this morning.

"I'm not. You have an angelic voice that brings joy to my life." "Wow! You're a poet too?" "Not really." He laughs. "You should be." "Now you're the one flattering me." "Yeah. I am." "Well I have to go." "Ok. Bye."

Dr Jones had taken her mood from 0 to 100 in less that 5 minutes. She went back downstairs to find that Sophia had to go to the firm and Cody and Danté were in the study.

She was basically alone but she didn't mind. She went to the massive garden and took a stroll to clear her head. About an hour later she came back and finds Danté in the kitchen taking out a water bottle from the fridge.

They ignored each other. She waits for him to get out so she can make herself lunch. She makes herself a sandwich and drank some water to wash it down.

About an hour later Sophia came back and they sat down on the couch and Sophia tell her about her crazy day. "Tell you're joking?" "I wish I was. His baby mama was like: He has slept with my cousin and my friend. It was quite the scene."

The boys come in a bit later and Sophia tells him about her day. The boys find it funny. It was soon dinnertime and it was the boys' turn to cook but they were too tired to cook and ordered Chinese food instead.

They all eat while watching TV. Paisley finishes first and soon the others follow suit. They watch TV for another hour and half.

Paisley decides to go to bed early to get put of the awkward situation between her and Danté. "I tired so I'm going to bed." ''Ok." Sophia says. "Goodnight." Cody says.

"Goodnight babe." Dante says sincerely. She looks back at him and says goodnight. Why did he that? She thinks to herself. Maybe to act as if we are still happy? She turns to look at him and he's looking at the TV screen.

She turns towards the stairs and goes to the guest room and goes to sleep. She wakes up before everyone and goes to work. Today she isn't wearing her ring.

Dr Jones finds her in her office. "Hey. You're here early." She looks up and smiles and says,"Hi. I just needed to get away." "From what or who?" He says with concern. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"No problem." He says. "So what's going on with you?" She asks changing the topic. He smiles and his dimples show. I've never seen how handsome he is.

She thinks to herself. Paisley can't help but smile too. "Oh nothing much,just work." He answers her. "Ok." She says.  A patient comes in and he excuses himself. The day goes by slowly but Paisley's thankful that it does.

Around 6pm she gets ready to go home when Dr Jones cones in. "Hey. Getting ready to leave?" "Yeah." "Wanna a ride home?" "Thanks but I'll get an Uber." "You heard about that girl who was raped by an Uber driver right?"

"Yeah but I've got my pepper spray and my moves." "This is not a joke,Paisley." "I didn't say it was." "Then let me take you home." "I said it's fine,Terius." "Wow. I've never heard you sound so serious."

"Sorry. I have to go." Paisley says before she runs out of the office and calls an Uber before Terius can stop her. She gets home and immediately goes upstairs and takes a bath.

She sits there ,thinking until the water gets cold. She gets out and and gets dressed as she's going out Sophia walks by her room and stops. Sophia pushes the door open so she can enter the room.

"What are you doing in this room?" Sophia asks her. Paisley hesitates for a minute until she tells her to come in. Sophia sits on the bed and Paisley follows suit. "What's going on?" Sophia asks her again,worried about her best friend.

"Well it's a long story." She sighs. "Well I have enough time." Sophia states. "Ok." Paisley says and she tells her everything including the part where Danté thinks she's cheating on him with Dr Jones.

Once she's told the whole story Sophia can only say,"Wow!"

So what did you guys think of this chapter? Do you think that Danté and Paisley will be good again? Do you think that Terius likes Paisley more than a friend? Let me know. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Love you!
(1503 words)

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